acrasiomycota - slime mold n 1 Any of indo18com various eukaryotic organisms of the class Dictyostelia that exist as freeliving amoeboid cells in the soil and under certain conditions aggregate into SLIME MOLDS CTgov Jan 1 2014 Although grouped with the eumycetozoans until detailed observations of morphological features and the availability of molecular data proved otherwise members of the phylum Acrasiomycota sensu Alexopoulos et al 1996 are better placed in the supergroup Excavata Page and Blanton 1985 Roger et al 1996 Adl et al 2005 Brown et al 2009 2011 with a few examples recently reassigned to the Acrasiomycota Although grouped with the eumycetozoans until detailed observations of morphological features and the availability of molecular data proved otherwise members of the phylum Acrasiomycota Source A Dictionary of Genetics Authors Robert C King William D Stansfield Pamela K Mulligan the phylum containing the cellular slime molds These are protoctists that pass through a unicellular stage of amoebas that feed There are two groups of slime molds the plasmodial slime molds of the phylum division Myxomycota and the cellular slime molds of Acrasiomycota Slime molds have complex life cycles that may be divided into an animallike motile phase in which growth and feeding occur and a plantlike immotile reproductive phase Slime Molds Encyclopediacom Caracteristics of Acrasiomycota Acrasiomycota is a cellular slime mold Characteristics A terrestrial cellular slime mold that exists as freeliving amoebalike cells in soils They feed on bacteria have cellulose rich cell walls and undergo normal mitosis in which the 2 Excavata Acrasiomycota Amoebozoa Dictyosteliomycota Acrasiomycota DictyosteliumCellular Slime Molds Funguslike Form plasmodium a mass of cytoplasm containing diploid nuclei but no cell walls or membranes slimy multinuclate mass feeding stage The techniques of modern molecular biology have been applied to the study of the dictyostelids and myxomycetes in an effort to develop a more complete understanding of their biology ecology and phylogeny The organisms commonly referred to as slime molds belong to three different taxonomic groups the two largest of which the dictyostelids and myxomycetes are closely related members of the 2 Excavata Acrasiomycota Amoebozoa Dictyosteliomycota Aug 2 2017 This artificial assemblage comprises members of several phyla Plasmodiophoromycota Dictyosteliomycota Acrasiomycota Myxomycota Kingdom Protista Protoctista Oomycota Hyphochytriomycota Labyrinthulomycota Kingdom Stramenopila or straminophiles also referred to as Kingdom Chromista and Chytridiomycota or chytrids Kingdom Fungi These fungi together with the phylum Zygomycota Dec 31 2024 Acrasiomycota published on by null The phylum containing the cellular slime molds These are protoctists that pass through a unicellular stage thalassiosira of amoebas that feed on bacteria Acrasiomycota Oxford Reference 2421 Slime Molds Biology LibreTexts Aug 19 2022 Slime molds represent several different lineages the cellular slime molds Dictyostelids Protostelids and plasmodial slime molds Myxomycetes These organisms move about as amoebae consuming Acrasiomycota The Myxomycota are the true plasmodial slime molds and the Acrasiomycota are the cellular slime molds DESCRIPTION Since there are over 700 different types of slime molds the shape structure and color can be quite variable They are found on wood chip mulches lawns garden beds on 2 Excavata Acrasiomycota Amoebozoa Dictyosteliomycota Acrasiomycota ProtistA Jul 2 2014 Excavata Acrasiomycota Amoebozoa Dictyosteliomycota Myxomycota 35 FioreDonno AM Berney C Pawlowski J Baldauf SL 2005 Higherorder phylogeny of plasmodial Acrasidae Wikipedia The family Acrasidae ICZN or Acrasiomycota ICBN is a family 1 of slime molds which belongs to the excavate group Percolozoa The name element acrasio comes from the Greek akrasia meaning acting against ones judgement May 1 2012 In the broadest sense sorocarpic protists include a broad range of eukaryotic microorganisms that have a complex aggregative life cycle that may result in the formation a multicellular propaguledispersing structure called a sorocarp or fruiting body Brown et al 2011 Acrasiomycota Oxford Reference 2 Excavata Acrasiomycota Amoebozoa Dictyosteliomycota May 23 2018 Slime molds are organisms in two taxonomic groups the cellular slime molds Phylum Acrasiomycota and the plasmodial slime molds Phylum Myxomycota Organisms in both groups are eukaryotic meaning that their cells have nuclei and are funguslike in appearance during part of their life cycle Acrasis rosea amoebae and spores under microscope The terms Acrasiomycota or Acrasiomycetes have been used when the group was classified as a fungus mycota In some classifications Dictyostelium was placed in Acrasiomycetes an artificial group of cellular slime molds which was characterized by the aggregation of individual amoebae into a multicellular fruiting body making it an CHAPTER 1 Lower fungi The Identification of Fungi An Acrasidae Wikiwand A contemporary evaluation of the acrasids Acrasidae Acrasiomycota Oxford Reference the phylum containing the cellular slime molds These are protoctists that pass through a unicellular stage of amoebas that feed Acrasiomycota by darien brown on Prezi The family Acrasidae ICZN or Acrasiomycota ICBN is a family of slime molds which belongs to the protist group Percolozoa The name acrasio comes from the Greek Akrasia meaning acting against ones judgement definition of Acrasiomycota by Medical Medical Dictionary Acrasiomycota Article about Acrasiomycota by The Free cellular slime dumpling seblak molds Order Acrasida iNaturalist
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