alysicarpus - Alysicarpus is a genus of flowering projepang plants in the legume family Fabaceae It is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions 2 of Africa Asia and Australia 1 Species are known generally as moneyworts 3 Unusually for legumes the leaves are simple not compound Species SSAGR47DS123 AlycecloverSummer Annual Legume EDIS Alysicarpus Genus Page ISB Atlas of Florida Plants Alysicarpus vaginalis Tropical Forages Alysicarpus rugosus Plants of the World Online Kew Science Alyceclover Alysicarpus vaginalis Mississippi State University The genus Alysicarpus is a member of the large economically important pea family Fabaceae or Leguminoseae and consists of 2530 species spanning Africa India IndoChina Malesia China east Asia Japan and Australia with most of the endemic species in India Lewis et al 2005The name derives from the Greek words hylysis meaning chain and carpos meaning fruit in Alysicarpus vaginalis alyce clover CABI Compendium Alysicarpus vaginalis is a low growing annual to short lived herbaceous perennial plant with numerous stems 10 100cm long emanating from the rootstock In regions with a distinct dry period the plant will usually behave as an annual but in moister regions especially with yearround rainfall the plant will often perennate TYPE Alysicarpus bupleurifolius Linnaeus de Candolle typ cons Hedysarum bupleurifolium Linnaeus Not applicable or data not available Species Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Photos Alysicarpus ovalifolius FALSE MONEYWORT ALYCE CLOVER Alysicarpus rugosus RED MONEYWORT Alysicarpus rugosus Willd DC First published in Prodr 2 353 1825 This species is accepted The native range of this species is Tropical S Africa Madagascar N Oman China Yunnan to Tropical Asia N Australia It is an annual or perennial and grows primarily in the seasonally theoriginote dry tropical biome Alysicarpus vaginalis Wikipedia Alysicarpus vaginalis Useful Tropical Plants The Ferns Alyceclover Alysicarpus vaginalis It is characterized by thin stems with rounded leaves and pink flowers in a spike Establishment Alyceclover does not compete well with weeds it is recommended to plant between April 15 and June 30 in a cleared and tilled bed at a rate of 15 to 20 lbac at 14 depth Alyceclover Alysicarpus vaginalis L DC is a lategrowing summer annual legume native to the tropics in AsiaThis warmseason legume grows erect with spreading branches and may reach a height of 60 if not harvested Although an annual it can reestablish each year by natural reseeding if the crop is allowed to make seed in the fall Alysicarpus glumaceus contained methanol aerial extract which exhibited significant antimalarial properties against Plasmodium berghei 18 Additionally the methanol extract had phytochemicals present in medicinal plants with antimalarial effects such as flavonoids alkaloids and saponins Commercial seed of Alysicarpus vaginalis is seldom available It has been planted as a hay crop in Mississippi and Florida with seed rates of 1015 kgha sown into disced strips Seed for immediate germination should be scarified but does not require specific inoculant Fertilizer Alysicarpus vaginalis is a species of flowering plant in the legume family FabaceaeIt is native to parts of Africa and Asia and it has been introduced to other continents such as Australia and the Americas 1 It is cultivated as a fodder for livestock for erosion control 2 and as a green manure 3 Common names include alyce clover buffalo clover buffalobur oneleaf clover and Alysicarpus pastel pink Wikipedia Alysicarpus glumaceus Wikipedia
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