amaranthus - 10 Popular Amaranthus Varieties The Spruce rtp slot ajaib88 hari ini AMARANTH Uses Side Effects and More WebMD Amaranthus Plant Growing Care Guide for Gardeners Amaranthus cruentus is a flowering plant species that is native from Central Mexico to Nicaragua 2 It yields a nutritious staple amaranth grain being one of three Amaranthus species cultivated as a grain source the other two being Amaranthus hypochondriacus and Amaranthus caudatusIt has several common names including blood amaranth red amaranth purple amaranth 3 princes feather The Amaranthus genus features at least 75 annual and shortlived perennial species that easily crossbreed and hybridize Varieties of amaranth can range from giants topping eight feet tall to smaller one to twofoot plants better suited for leaf harvest Amaranthus blitum commonly called purple amaranth or Guernsey pigweed is an erect or semiprostrate annual plant The single or branched stem can grow to one metre three point three feet tall The green or purplish leaves are up to 10 cm 4 in long on stalks of a similar length and are arranged spirally They are simple roughly triangular 14 Amaranthus Plant Varieties And How To Grow Them Amaranth is a plant The seed oil and leaf are used as food The entire plant is used to make medicine Amaranth is used for ulcers diarrhea swelling of the mouth or throat and high Learn how to grow and care for Amaranthus plants also known as Tassel Flower Loveliesbleeding and Josephs Coat Find out about the different species varieties uses and cultivation tips for this easytogrow annual Amaranthus Key Growing Information DAYS TO GERMINATION 710 days at 7075F 2124C SOWING Transplant Sow 46 weeks before planting out Grow at 6265F 1718C until transplanting out Direct seed After danger kode pos sukaraja cicendo of frost Support advised LIGHT PREFERENCE Sun PLANT HEIGHT Amaranthus tricolor Perfecta Karin de Mamiel Getty Images Unlike other amaranth varieties Amaranthus tricolor is grown for its foliage not its flowersAnd there is no doubt why this plant is also called Summer poinsettiathe bright bicolored red and yellow leaves look like a cousin of the popular holiday plant This variety has a narrow growth habit and it looks best in mass Amaranth Description Species Nutrition Britannica amaranth genus Amaranthus genus of 6070 species of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae distributed nearly worldwideSeveral amaranth species are useful as food crops and are grown both for their leaves and for their edible seeds which are a nutritious pseudocereal nongrass seeds used like cereal grains A number of species including loveliesbleeding Amaranthus caudatus Grow amaranthus in full sun and in any reasonable soil that doesnt get too dry with the exception of Amaranthus caudatus loveliesbleeding which tolerates poor soil Site tallgrowing varieties at the back of a border grow shorter ones in the middle of a border either in groups mixed with other colourful annuals to create a summer bedding display or in gaps in borders between long How to Grow Amaranthus BBC Gardeners World Magazine Amaranthus cruentus Wikipedia How to Grow and Care for Amaranth The Spruce Amaranth Wikipedia Amaranthus is a cosmopolitan group of more than 50 species which make up the genus of annual or shortlived perennial plants collectively known as amaranthsSome of the better known names include prostrate pigweed and love lies bleeding1 2 Some amaranth species are cultivated as leaf vegetables pseudocereals and ornamental plants3Catkinlike cymes of denselypacked flowers grow How to Grow Amaranthus From kode pos malino Seed Johnnys Selected Seeds
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