archidendron - Archidendron pauciflorum commonly known as djenkol kajeun jengkol or jering is a species of flowering tree in the pea family Fabaceae It is native to Southeast Asia where the seeds are also a popular dish 2 They are mainly consumed in Indonesia Thailand Myanmar and Vietnam prepared by frying boiling or roasting and eaten raw 3 Archidendron jiringa NParks Archidendron hendersonii White Laceflower Al Brockman Archidendron grandiflorum Australian Native Plants Society Archidendron lucyi Wikipedia NParks Archidendron pauciflorum National Parks Board Archidendron is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family Fabaceae It includes 98 species which range from India through Indochina southern China Taiwan Malesia and Papuasia to Queensland and New South Wales Ngapi Nut facts and health benefits Archidendron grandiflorum the pink laceflower is a species of tree found in northern Australia and New Guinea 1 This tree reaches a height of 15 meters and bears showy pink and cream colored flowers The mature tree has a rounded habit and is used as an ornamental A revision of the genus Archidendron F Muell Mimosaceae Growth Form A tree that grows up to 20 m high and up to 22 cm in diameter Flowers Flowers cluster together to form an inflorescence and each flower comprises of white stamens about 12 mm long Fruit Its fruits are orange and red 115 cm wide spirally twisted legumes that contain 410 seeds Its seeds are black oval up 1 cm wide and wrinkled when dry Archidendron Wikipedia Archidendron bigeminum Uses Benefits Common Names Archidendron clypearia var clypearia National Parks Board Archidendron jiringa Wikipedia Nov 1 2015 Archidendron F Muell is a tropical genus comprising ca 100 species distributed from India Sri Lanka Continental Southeast Asia throughout Malaysia to Northeast Australia Systematics and evolution of Archidendron the largest group Archidendron is closely related to Acacia which can be seen in the similarity of the seeds which like Acacia are borne in pods which split when ripe Archidendron grandiflorum is a mediumsized tree to about 15 metres tall with a rounded canopy It has large pinnate leaves with leaflets about 6 cm long by 4 cm wide First pair of leaves compound each leaf with two leaflets midrib hairy along the upper surface Hairs very short tortuous and almost prostrateAt the tenth leaf stage flat or shallow craterlike glands occur on the upper surface at the apex of the petiole and on the secondary compound leaf axes where the leaflets are attached leaflet blades without glands a few pale hairs occur on the Archidendron pauciflorum Wikipedia Oct 13 2024 Archidendron clypearia is an evergreen shrub or small tree growing 10 23 metres tall The bole which is straight and cylindrical with longitudinal grooves can be unbranched for up to 14 metres and up to 46cm in diameter Archidendron grandiflorum Wikipedia Archidendron lucidum NParks Archidendron jiringa is a ngehide flowering plant in the family Fabaceae 3 It is a shrub or tree which ranges from Bangladesh through Myanmar Thailand Peninsular Malaysia Borneo and Sumatra to Java 2 Archidendron grandiflorum Leaves with 1 or rarely 2 pairs of pinnae sunken gland usually present on petiole otherwise glands absent 2 2 Pinnules strongly asymmetric lanceolate to ovate reticulate veins visible but not prominent pinnae with usually 6 pinnules all more or less opposite stamens more than 25 mm long Archidendron hendersonii PlantNET FloraOnline Botanic Gardens Archidendron hendersonii Lucidcentral Archidendron bigeminum also called Twinflowered Archidendron among many other common names is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae It is a small tree with yellow flowers and is native to tropical Asia Dec 15 2019 Archidendron jiringa or Archidendron pauciflorum commonly known as Ngapi Nut Djenkol Jenkol or Jering is a species of flowering tree in the pea family Fabaceae The plant is native to Southeast Asian countries and occurs wild and cultivated in Malaysia Indonesia Java Sumatra and Kalimantan Brunei Thailand Burma and Bangladesh Archidendron clypearia Useful Tropical Plants The Ferns Flowers Its flowers are greenishwhite to creamwhite and develop 37 together in flowerheads that are about 2 cm wide These flowerheads are arranged in 1030 cmlong shoots at the older leafs angles or on the twigs behind the leaves Archidendron lucyi is a small tree in the legume family Fabaceae The native range extends from eastern Malesia to the Solomon Islands and northeastern Australia A lucyi grows in the understorey of lowland rainforest Sep 3 2021 Archidendron hendersonii White Laceflower Family Mimosaceae Tallest of the Australian species of Archidendron growing to 20m with some up to 30m Lace flower fruits and seeds are prone to attack by insect larvae The inside and outside colours of the pod vary from yellow to red and always conspicuous against the very dark green foliage Background Archidendron is the largest group of Old World Ingeae Leguminosae Mimosoideae Ingeae occurring in Australian New Guinean and SE Asian lowland rainforests It includes 94 species at least 22 of these are listed as imperfectly known which are placed into eight seri Growth Form It is a tree up to 10 m tall Foliage Leaves is compound with round sunken glands on leaf rachis and petiole base Leaflets are 5 9 cm long and 2 45 cm wide oblong shaped with oblique base and acuminate apex Djenkol Tree Archidendron pauciflorum iNaturalist Archidendron pauciflorum commonly known as Djenkol Jenkol or Jering is a species of flowering tree in the pea family Fabaceae It is native to Southeast Asia where the seeds are a popular dish They are mainly consumed in Thailand Malaysia Burma and Indonesia and prepared by frying boiling or roasting and are also eaten raw The beans are mildly toxic due to lovebird gacor the presence of djenkolic
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