aspilets - Pharmacological action Aspilets is a NSAIDs cory It has antiinflammatory analgesic and antipyretic effect and inhibits platelet aggregation The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of COX activity the main enzyme metabolism of arachidonic acid which is a precursor of prostaglandins which play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammation pain and fever AspiletsAspiletsEC IndicationsUses MIMS Aspilets Prevention of recurrent MI Unstable angina pectoris Chronic stable angina pectoris For secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in persons with diabetes mellitus especially in the following subgroups History of myocardial infarction vascular bypass procedure stroke or transient ischemic attack and angina Aspilets Manfaat Dosis dan Efek Samping Halodoc Aspilets generic Price of aspilets Uses Dosage Side effects Aspilets International database Drugscom Aspilets Ec Tablet Description Ischemic stroke TIA 50325 mg once daily Suspected acute MI Initial dose 160 mg Maintenance dose 160 mgday continued for 30 days postMI Prevention of recurrent MI unstable angina pectoris chronic stable angina pectoris primary secondary prevention of CV events in patients w DM 75325 mg once daily Aspilets adalah obat untuk mencegah terjadinya serangan jantung angina pektoris atau stroke berulang pada orang yang berisiko mengalaminya Aspilets juga bisa digunakan untuk meredakan demam sakit kepala atau sakit gigi Obat dalam bentuk tablet kunyah ini bisa dibeli bebas Tiap tablet Aspilets mengandung 80 mg aspirin asam asetilsalisilat Aspilets aspirin NSAID and antiplatelet Hello Doctor Aspilets drug interactions With simultaneous use of antacids containing magnesium and or aluminum hydroxide slow down and reduce the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid With simultaneous use of calcium channel blockers means limiting intake of calcium or increasing the excretion of calcium from the body increases the risk of bleeding Description Aspilets 80Mg Tablet Indications Uses Primary Prevention of Thromboembolic Disorders and Cardiovascular Events Ischemic stroke transient ischemic attack TIA prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction MI unstable angina pectoris chronic stable angina pectoris Beli Aspilets 10 Tablet Kunyah di Halodoc 1 Jam Sampai Aspilets International Aspilets may be available in the countries listed below Ingredient matches for Aspilets Aspirin Acetylsalicylic Acid is reported as an ingredient of Aspilets in the following countries THROMBO ASPILETS 100 MG TABLET adalah obat tablet yang mengandung Acetylsalicylic Acid 100 mg Acetylsalicylic acid atau dikenal juga dengan Aspirin merupakan senyawa analgesik non steroid yang digunakan sebagai analgesik antipiretik antiinflamasi dan antiplatelet Pharmacological action AspiletsEC is a NSAIDs It has antiinflammatory analgesic and antipyretic effect and inhibits platelet aggregation The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of COX activity the main enzyme metabolism of arachidonic acid which is a precursor of prostaglandins which play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammation pain and fever Jul 7 2021 Aspilets is a brand name for aspirin a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug NSAID and antiplatelet drug or blood thinner Learn about its c20 uses side effects interactions precautions and dosage from Hello Doctor What is Aspilets Aspilets is a salicylate saLISilate It works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain fever and inflammation Aspilets is used to treat pain and reduce fever or inflammation Aspilets is sometimes used to treat or prevent heart attacks strokes and chest pain angina ASPILETS EC Aspirin 80mg EntericCoated Tablet 1s MedsGo Mar 15 2022 Medical information for Aspilets including its dosage uses side effects interactions pictures and warnings Countries Drugs AZ AZ index Available in countries Condition Method of action English Russian French Spanish Japanese Portoguese Italian Deutsch Turkish Thrombo Aspilets 100 mg 10 Tablet Kegunaan Efek Samping Aspilets Drug Information Great Eastern Drug Olic Thailand Aspilets Uses Side Effects Interactions Dosage Pillintrip Aspilets ec 80mg is a prescription drug belonging to the category of anticoagulant antiplatelet and fibrinolytic drugs Aspilet has the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid Dosage form entericcoated filmcoated tablets each containing 80mg of acetylsalicylic acid and excipients just enough tablet contains Yellow round 516 diameter orangeflavored flat beveledged tablet bisected on one side and plain on the other side For suspected adverse drug reaction seek medical attention immediately and report to the FDA at wwwfdagovph AspiletsEC drug pharmaceuticals Available Forms Doses Aspilets Ec 80Mg Tablet Rose Pharmacy Medicine Delivery ASPILETS Aspirin 80mg Tablet 1s MedsGo Selain menggunakan aspilets opsi obat untuk masalah jantung lainnya bisa kamu temukan lewat artikel berikut ini Ini 5 Rekomendasi Obat Jantung yang Efektif di Apotek JenisJenis Aspilets Ada dua jenis sediaan Aspilets yang beredar di pasaran berdasarkan cara penggunaannya Tablet Salut Aspilets 80Mg Tablet Rose Pharmacy Medicine Delivery Aspilets Uses of Aspilets ec 80mg Vinmec Aspilets EC For the prevention of cardiovascular disease Encourage aspirin use in men age 45 to 79 years old and women age 55 to 79 years old when potential benefit ie prevention of myocardial infarction in men and prevention of ischemic stroke in women outweighs potential harm of gastrointestinal hemorrhage Aspilets Manfaat Dosis dan Efek Samping Alodokter Feb 19 2023 Aspilets adalah obat yang mengandung acetylsalicylic acid aspirin atau asetosal yang digunakan untuk mencegah pembekuan darah meringankan nyeri dan menurunkan demam Simak manfaat dosis efek samping dan harga Aspilets di sini Aspilets drug pharmaceuticals Aspilets available forms Aspilets Prevention of recurrent MI Unstable angina pectoris Chronic stable angina pectoris For secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in persons with diabetes mellitus especially in the following subgroups History of myocardial infarction vascular bypass procedure stroke or transient ischemic attack and angina Aspilets adalah obat tablet yang mengandung acetylsalicylic acid senyawa analgesik dan antiplatelet Obat ini digunakan untuk mencegah agregasi platelet pada kondisi angina dan infark miokard tetapi harus sesuai dengan petunjuk dokter dan perhatian khusus Aspilets Manfaat Dosis discadia dan Efek Samping KlikDokter