atmega8535 - ATMEGA853516AU Microchip Technology DigiKey The highperformance kode pos halmahera tengah lowpower Microchip 8bit AVRreg RISCbased microcontroller combines 8 KB of programmable Flash memory 512B SRAM 512B EEPROM and an 8channel 10bit AD converter The device supports a throughput of 16 MIPS at 16 MHz and ope ATmega8535 8Bit Microcontroller ATmega8535 Datasheet Pinout ATMEGA853516PU Microchip Technology 8bit Microcontrollers MCU 8kB Flash 05kB EEPROM 32 IO Pins datasheet inventory pricing Download the PDF datasheet of ATMEGA8535 a lowpower 8bit AVR microcontroller with 8K bytes of insystem programmable flash Learn about its features peripherals packages operating voltages and speed grades Order today ships today ATMEGA853516AU AVR AVR ATmega Microcontroller IC 8Bit 16MHz 8KB 4K x 16 FLASH 44TQFP 10x10 from Microchip Technology Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from DigiKey Electronics ATmega8535 Microchip Technology The ATmega8535 is an 8bit CMOS microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture that uses very little power The ATmega8535 delivers throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz by executing instructions in a single clock cycle allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing performance Learn about the features pinout and specifications of the ATmega8535 a highperformance lowpower AVR 8bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of insystem programmable flash and 32 general purpose IO lines The data sheet also includes information on the peripheral features power modes and operating voltages of the ATmega8535 ATMEGA853516JU Microchip Technology 8bit lt4 Microcontrollers MCU 8K Flash 512B SRAM 512B EEPROM 16MHz datasheet inventory pricing 800 3466873 Contact Mouser USA 800 3466873 Feedback Change Location English Español USD United States Please confirm your currency selection ATMEGA853516AU MICROCHIP 8 Bit MCU Low Power High Performance AVR ATmega8535L 2502KAVR1006 Overview The ATmega8535 is a lowpower CMOS 8bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture By executing instructions in a single clock cycle the ATmega8535 achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed ATMEGA853516PU MICROCHIP 8 Bit MCU Low Power High Performance AVR ATMEGA853516PU Microchip Technology Mouser Mouser Electronics The ATMEGA853516PU is a 8bit highperformance lowpower AVR RISCbased microcontroller combines 8kB of programmable flash memory 544B SRAM 512B EEPROM and an 8channel 10bit AD converter The device supports throughput of 16 MIPS at 16MHz and operates between 45 to 55V By executing instructions in a single clock cycle the device ATMEGA853516JU Microchip Technology Mouser Mouser Electronics PDF 8bit Microcontroller 512 Bytes EEPROM with 8K Bytes ATMEGA8535 Datasheet PDF ATMEL Corporation PDF 8bit Microcontroller 512 Bytes EEPROM with 8K Bytes InSystem The ATMEGA853516AU is a highperformance lowpower 8bit AVR RISCbased microcontroller combines 8kB of programmable flash memory 544B SRAM 512byte EEPROM and an 8channel 10bit AD converter The device supports throughput of 16MIPS at 16MHz and operates ichtamol between 45 to 55V
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