auditif - auditif Wiktionary the free dictionary

Brand: auditif

auditif - auditif Translation into English examples French futbol.11 Reverso Context On sousestime souvent limportance de létrier dans le processus auditif People often overlook the stirrups importance in the hearing process Ce protecteur auditif convient à de légères situations de charge de bruit This hearing protector is suitable for slight noise load situations Donc on a décidé dutiliser le système auditif du chat So we decided to use the auditory auditif Wiktionary the free dictionary AUDITIF translations auditory auditory Learn more in the Cambridge FrenchEnglish Dictionary conduit auditif ear canal appareil auditif please add an English translation of this usage example prothèse auditive please add an English translation of this usage example Derived terms edit auditivement Related terms edit ouïr Further reading edit Translation of auditif into English Glosbe Dictionary auditif traduction Dictionnaire FrançaisAnglais WordReferencecom auditif Definition Meaning Examples Pronunciation in French Le AUDITIF translate auditory auditory Learn more in the Cambridge FrenchEnglish Dictionary English translation of auditif Collins Online Dictionary Translations in context of auditif in FrenchEnglish from Reverso Context appareil auditif dispositif auditif système auditif auditif externe nerf auditif Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation Conjugation Vocabulary Documents Dictionary Collaborative iobet Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate Dabord celles dans le cortex auditif principal a permis de confirmer que les chiens différenciaient les extraits brouillés incompréhensibles de ceux avec des motsGéo 14012022 Les chiens peuventils distinguer la langue de leur maître dune English Translation of AUDITIF The official Collins FrenchEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of French words and phrases auditif adj relatif à laudition hearing adj formal auditive adj Mon grandpère commence à avoir des problèmes auditifs Jules commence à rencontrer des difficultés auditives My grandfather is beginning to have hearing problems Jules is seeing a specialist because he wants a hearing aid auditif nm à louïe développée Translation for auditif in the free FrenchEnglish dictionary and many other English translations auditif translation in English FrenchEnglish dictionary Reverso AUDITIF Translation in English babla AUDITIF translate French to English Cambridge Dictionary AUDITIF in English Cambridge Dictionary Translation of auditif into English auditory aural auditive are the top translations of auditif into English Sample translated sentence Elles doivent lêtre pour pallier le risque de perte dacuité auditive They must be applied to prevent the risk patembayan of auditive acuteness loss

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