bayucaraka - Home Bayucaraka ITS UAV Research Team

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bayucaraka - Bayucaraka ITS ITS Robotics Center 60111 kode le mesin cuci lg Jalan ITS Raya Keputih Kec Sukolilo Kota Surabaya Jawa Timur Phone 62 85853439679 Email officialbayucarakagmailcom Technology Development Division Bayucaraka ITS UAV Research Team Bayucaraka UAV Research Team LinkedIn Home Bayucaraka ITS UAV Research Team Bayucaraka ITS bayucarakaits Instagram photos and videos Bayucaraka ITS Soaring Beyond Boundaries Unleashing UAV Innovation at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Building Great Prospects for the Future Get To Know Us Bayucaraka rocks a name of Bayu the mighty god of wind and Caraka the emissary Essentially Bayucaraka is the messenger of the wind god Bayucaraka ITS ITS Robotics Center 60111 Jalan ITS Raya Keputih Kec Sukolilo Kota Surabaya Jawa Timur Phone 62 85853439679 Email officialbayucarakagmailcom About Bayucaraka ITS UAV Research Team Instagram bayucarakaits Tiktok bayucarakaits See you folks were looking forward for your application GarudakuJayaSelalu BayucarakaITS ITSRobotics Aeromodelling UAV LOVEBOMBING OUR SPONSORS A huge thank you to our amazing sponsors for their incredible support and belief in us Without our sponsors we Overall the name Bayucaraka ITS means Air Nomad through innovative work and research in the field of UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle GarudakuJayaSelalu This team also has the hashtag GarudakuJayaSelalu which means the Bayucaraka Team is ready to continue to bring glory to the skies of Indonesia through their work and research Bayucaraka ITS is a drone research team part of ITS Robotics This team has 4 divisions including VTOL Vertical Take Off and Landing Fixed Wing Racing Plane and Technology Development robithoh Kampus ITS ITS News Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ITS kembali torehkan prestasinya di kancah internasional dalam bidang robotika Kali ini melalui tim robot terbang Bayucaraka ITS yang sukses raih tiga juara sekaligus dalam ajang Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition SAFMC 2023 di Singapura yang diumumkan hasilnya pada Sabtu 14 lalu A Racing Plane Divison The Jatayujet a remarkable machine under the Racing Plane Division epitomizes the relentless pursuit of victory With a philosophy that acknowledges the limits of speed but celebrates the boundless hope of winning this plane is built to dominate the skies and capture the essence of competitive racing Racing Plane Division Bayucaraka ITS UAV Research Team Kampus ITS ITS News Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ITS kembali berkesempatan menunjukkan taringnya di dunia robotika internasional Setelah tim roboboat Barunastra kali ini tim robot terbang Bayucaraka ITS siap mengikuti kompetisi internasional Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition SAFMC 2023 di Singapura Melalui kegiatan Grand Launching dan Pelepasan Tim Bayucaraka ITS Robot Baru Bayucaraka ITS Siap Pertahankan Juara di Laga Internasional Robot Terbang Bayucaraka ITS Sukses Borong Juara di KRTI 2024 Bayucaraka ITS Sukses Amankan Tiga Juara di Singapura Fixed Wing Division Bayucaraka ITS UAV Research Team Selain itu menurut Fairuiz pesawat Palkonjet tim Bayucaraka juga sukses menempuh lintasan 700 meter bolakbalik sambil membawa empat kotak susu seberat 250 mililiter yang mengantarkan tim meraih juara III di kategori Racing Plane Pesawat kami mampu terbang cepat dengan membawa payload seberat 11 kilogram pennants dan tetap stabil tambah

