ciqnr - Ade Abdul Hak S Ag Ss sinensetin M Hum Ciqnr AD Scientific Index 20 Collegium PT Metiri Aromata Tifa Nusantara Road to the Best Implementation of AMECbased Measurement and Evaluation Certified International Quantitative Researcher Laporan Kegiatan Sertifikasi CIQnR Repository UMJ baju bola hitam putih Universitas UIGM Universitas IGM CIQnR UMSU Press Prof Drs Maison M Si Ph D CIQaR CIQnR Teknologi Hasil Pertanian UNJA Ir Sigmawan Tri Pamungkas ST MT CIQnR Arsitektur Dr Ade Abdul Hak SAg SS router tenda MHum CIQnR Google Scholar