cubeacon - iOS Cubeacon Sample Project Contribute to kode pos kelurahan papanggo cubeaconioscubeaconsample development by creating an account on GitHub GitHub cubeaconreactnativebeacon React Native plugin for scanning Cubeacon runs with Software as a Service SaaS It will guide to build scenario tracking point with indoor map and geofencing monitor and control all activities of your Beacons Keepintouch with customers smart analysis and many more It only takes a few line of codes to let you integrate this future technology to your app Cubeacon juga kompatibel dengan Android minimal Android 43 atau lebih dan Bluetooth 40 Ratarata Android seri terbaru sudah mengadopsinya Teknologi ini difokuskan untuk program loyalitas Memang di Indonesia masih dianggap belum familiar karena belum terbiasa Makanya kami fokus di pasar Jepang yang sudah familiar teknologi iBeacon dan Cubeacon provides easy to configure more than hundred beacons easy to track point with indoor map and geo fencing for tracking developer group areas like retail shop group area User can manage smart advertising by simply uploading attractive brochure For secure cloud storage data cubeacon using a third party backend as a service called KiiCloud This section covers the first step on how to danason get access to the beacon for developer User will get free demo after signup to cubeacon Managing Apps Apps Setting This section is a manual on how to manage apps get Client ID and Client secret to communicate with SDK Beacon Analytics This section shows statistic data of beacon access Cubeacon Developer Documentation Welcome to the Cubeacon Developer docs This site documents from toptobottom covering guides for Cubeacon Cloud Services iOS and Android Software Development Kit Cubeacon Getting Started Cubeacon Access Dashboard Management System React Native plugin for scanning beacon devices on Android and iOS cubeaconreactnativebeacon Cubeacon Guides Cubeacon Access cubeaconioscubeaconsample iOS Cubeacon Sample Project GitHub Cubeacon has 6 repositories available Follow their code on GitHub Cubeacon Cubeacon Developer Documentation Cubeacon Si Kubus Ajaib Penyambung Gadget Buatan Arek Suroboyo Cubeacon Why Cubeacon Cubeacon GitHub Cubeacon SDK for Android is a library to allow interaction with any beacons The SDK system requirements are Android 43 or above and Bluetooth Low Energy Cubeacon SDK allows for Integrating with Cubeacon BaaS Scanning any beacons on a foreground UI or on background as a service Cubeacon socimas Crunchbase Company Profile Funding