cuter - cuter Wiktionary the free dictionary When sajaah using the comparative form cuter to compare two things you would use than to connect the two parts of the comparison Example The cat is cuter than the dog Here than is used to show that the level of cuteness of the cat is greater than the level of cuteness of the dog Cuter The Dictionary Wiki Fandom Cuter Definition The meaning of Cuter wordpandanet cuter WordReference English dictionary questions discussion and forums All Free cuter vs cutest Examples Use Grammar RedKiwi App Web Page The meaning of CUTE is clever or shrewd often in an underhanded manner How to use cute in a sentence The Unlikely Evolution of Cute Cuter adjective More cute or charming than someone or something else often used to describe animals children or objects that elicit a sense of fondness or appeal Cuter is a term often used to express a higher degree of attractiveness or charm compared to another object animal or individual Its primarily used within the context of noun cuter the cutes Informal selfconsciously cute mannerisms or appeal affected coyness The young actress has a bad case of the cutes 1 idioms cuter meet cute Informal of a romantic couple to meet for the first time in a charming or amusing way In this type of movie the boy and girl always meet cute Also meetcute a situation or Cuter mujikari definition of cuter by The Free Dictionary Cuter Definition Meaning and Examples US Dictionary Cuter Definition Meaning MerriamWebster cuter meaning More visually appealing endearing qualities OneLook In a sentence structure the word more is redundant Cuter means more than cute Therefore saying more cute is incorrect English grammar It should simply read cute cuter or cutest Some people use it anyway when speaking informally to friends more cute or cuter Learn English Preply Cute means attractive pretty or charming in a dainty way It can also mean clever or shrewd Find out the origin usage and translations of cute and its synonyms cuter WordReferencecom Dictionary of English The word cuter describes something that is more adorable charming or attractive in a pleasingly small or delicate way It implies a heightened level of sweetness endearing qualities and visual appeal This word cuter functions as an adjective The word cuter is the comparative form of the adjective cute meaning more adorable charming or attractive in a pleasingly small or cuter comparative form of cute more cute Anagrams edit Crute Curet cruet curet eruct recut truce uCret Romanian edit Etymology edit Borrowed from English cutter or French cutter Noun edit cuter MerriamWebstercom cuter Collins English Dictionary Cuter cuter Wordnik cuter Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary cuter Wiktionary cuter Dictionarycom cuter Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary CUTEr Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia cuter LookWAYup honestdoc Translating DictionaryThesaurus cuter Dictionarythesaurus
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