dewdrops - Dewdrop Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom

Brand: dewdrops

dewdrops - Learn the meaning of dewdrop a oass noun that refers to a drop of dew or a drop of mucus on the nose See how to use dewdrop in sentences and compare it with related words Dewdrop definition See examples of DEWDROP used in a sentence Dewdrops are small drops of dew that form on plants or surfaces when the air is cooler than the ground Find out more about the word dewdrops its pronunciation translations and related words in this online dictionary Dewdrops definition of Dewdrops by The Free Dictionary DEWDROP definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary a drop of dew DISCLAIMER These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word dewdropViews expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabularycom or its editors Send us feedback Learn the meaning of dewdrop a noun that refers to a drop of dew and see examples of its usage in sentences Find synonyms word history and related entries for dewdrop DEWDROP Definition Meaning Dictionarycom Dewdrops should be planted 3 to 5 feet apart if youre planting them in a row Allow 4 or 5 feet of space between this shrub and nearby plants so the dewdrops exuberant growth doesnt overwhelm them You can place smaller shrubs 3 feet away qz537 if you plan on using them as underplantings keeping the base of the dewdrop trimmed back and the top a Dewdrop Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom A dewdrop is a drop of dew which is water that condenses on a surface when the temperature drops below the dew point Learn how to use this word in sentences see synonyms and antonyms and find translations in different languages Dew Wikipedia DEWDROP definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary How Does Dew Form Pitara Kids Network DEWDROP English meaning Cambridge Dictionary A dewdrop is a drop of dew a type of precipitation that forms on surfaces when the air is cooler than the ground Learn how to use the word in sentences see related words and phrases and find translations in different languages Dew is water in the form of droplets that appears on thin exposed objects in the morning or evening due to condensation Learn about the thermodynamic principles measurement methods and natural and cultural effects of dew on this Wikipedia article Golden Dewdrop southfloridaplantguidecom Learn how dew is formed on a clear night when the ground radiates the days warmth into the skies Find out why dew does not form on the soil of flower beds or in the summer and rainy seasons trakteer id Dewdrop Definition Meaning MerriamWebster

