dport - iptables A INPUT p tcp dport loker15 22 m state state NEW j DROP iptables A INPUT p udp dport 53 sport 102465535 j ACCEPT You could also try p all but Ive never done that and dont find too much support for it in the examples Looking for online definition of DPORT or what DPORT stands for DPORT is listed in the Worlds most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary Questions or Comments about this Website Contact WebCoordinatordporvirginiagov Enter DPORs Online Services Portal using your unique secure User ID and password We have upgraded our online services to include new license initial applications renewals of existing licenses reinstatement of expired licenses upgrades to licenses address changes and other maintenance of a license Reality is youre asking 2 different questionssport is short for sourceportdport is short for destinationport also the internet is not simply the HTTP protocol which is what typically runs on port 80 I Suspect youre asking how to block HTTP requests to do this you need to block 80 on the outbound chain destination port source port You use them when you want to match packets according to their source or destination port generally youll deal with destination ports in the INPUT chain while the output chain might handle both Source ports when youd like to allow replies to connections from local processes and destination ports when youd like to allow access to external services to local From updating your information to obtaining documentation visit our frequently used forms page for guidance and knowledge on our most common processes Here you can pil postinor also access boardspecific information related to your profession Confused on when to use sport and dport in iptables DPOR Online License Services Virginia This is wrong Only the INPUT line matters for receiving emails Also only the OUTPUT dport 25 line matters for sending emails So these rules should be enoughA INPUT p tcp dport 25 j ACCEPT A OUTPUT p tcp dport 25 j ACCEPT The problem may be that you set OUTPUT to default to DROP but allowed established connection on INPUT only man what iptables docs for sport and dport Ask Ubuntu DPOR Home Page Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational When sport or dport is used on INPUT of Iptables iptables sport vs dport INPUT vs OUTPUT Stack Overflow What is sport and dport Unix Linux Stack Exchange License Lookup Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational iptables A INPUT p tcp dport 22 j DROP prevents access to a local SSH server iptables A OUTPUT p tcp dport 22 j DROP prevents access to a remote SSH server Most TCPbased protocols dont care about the port that the client is bound to You might as an administrator only allow access to a local service from a specific client DPORT What does DPORT stand for The Free Dictionary dportsport question dport stands for DESTINATION port This matches against the target port of the connection sport stands for SOURCE port This is the port on which the packet originated For example all http connections have DPORT 80 for packets from clientserver and SPORT 80 for serverclient linux iptables error unknown hajar slot 88 option dport Server Fault