dumolit - Dumolid Manfaat dosis dan efek samping Alodokter

Brand: dumolit

dumolit - Obat Dumolid Manfaat Cara Konsumsi dan majunya Efek Samping Dumolid Manfaat Dosis dan Efek Samping DokterSehat Nitrazepam Wikipedia Dumolid Manfaat dan Efek Samping KlikDokter Nitrazepam Uses Dosage Side Effects and More MIMS Dumolid Uses Side Effects Interactions Dosage Pillintrip Dumolid is used for the short term treatment of severe sleeplessness insomnia in patients in whom daytime sleepiness is acceptable Dumolid description Dumolid marketed by Eli Lilly and Company under the brand names Seconal and Tuinal is a barbiturate derivative drug Nitrazepam sold under the brand name Mogadon among others 2 3 is a hypnotic drug of the benzodiazepine class used for shortterm relief from severe disabling anxiety and insomnia 4 It also has sedative calming properties 5 as well as amnestic inducing forgetfulness anticonvulsant and skeletal muscle relaxant effects It was first synthesized in the late 1950s by a team of Dumolid merupakan golongan obat psikotropika sehingga harus menggunakan resep dokter Secara umum aturan penggunaan Dumolid adalah sebagai berikut Dewasa sehari maksimum 1 tablet 5 mg bila diperlukan tingkatkan dosis hingga 2 tablet 10 mg Lansia sehari maksimum ½1 tablet 255 mg Dumolid adalah obat yang mengandung nitrazepam sebuah benzodiazepin yang membantu mengatasi insomnia berat Dumolid memiliki manfaat dosis efek samping dan peringatan yang harus Anda ketahui sebelum mengonsumsi obat ini Significant CNS depression anterograde amnesia rebound insomnia after treatment withdrawal depression confusional or agitational states paradoxical reactions including hyperactive or aggressive behaviour hazardous sleeprelated activities eg sleepdriving cooking and eating food making phone tunggulwulung calls while asleep drug tolerance psychological and physical dependence longterm use Technical details about Dumolid learn more about the structure uses toxicity action side effects and more Simpanlah obat ini pada tempat yang sejuk dan kering kisaran suhu 15 hingga 30 derajat Celcius Jauhkan Dumolid dari jangkauan anakanak sinar matahari langsung ataupun ruangan lembab Efek Samping Dumolid Karena termasuk dalam obat keras warna obat dumolid dikategorikan dengan warna merah Penggunaan obat ini harus dengan resep dokter Dumolid Manfaat dosis dan efek samping Alodokter The information provided in Qualitative and quantitative composition of Dumolid is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Dumolid Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Qualitative and quantitative composition in the instructions to the drug Dumolid directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy Dumolid potentiates the action of antihypertensive drugs estrogen containing oral contraceptives increases the concentration in blood plasma Dumolid probenecid may interfere with the glucuronide binding of Dumolid that leads to an increase in its concentration in plasma and by enhancing the therapeutic effect may develop excessive sedation Dumolid adalah obat yang mengandung nitrazepam yang digunakan untuk mengatasi insomnia gangguan tidur dan kesedihan Obat dumolid memiliki efek samping yang bisa menimbulkan ketergantungan depresi dan alergi Dumolid Drug Information Uses Side Effects Chemistry Dumolid drug pharmaceuticals Dumolid available forms doses prices Dumolid generic Price of dumolid Uses bokep taiwan Dosage Side effects ndrugs

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