exodia - Exodia Dragon Draw FTK Pojocom Forums

Brand: exodia

exodia - Mar 27 2005 Thanks to dark kalori pepaya beginnings I finally have all 5 pieces of Exodia I tried out an Exodia deck I put together I got the four limbs in my hand the head got sent to the graveyard by my opponent39s card destruction Before I drew my last card I summoned the head of Exodia from the grave yard onto the field Summoned LordExodia Strategy I Exodia obliterekt Exodia FTK Will I Ever Lose Pojocom Forums Exodia the Prophesied One Forbidden Spellbook of Liberation Oct 15 2012 FTK Exodia decks are never consistent Actually it is extremely consistent considering the fact that almost every card in the deck allows me to draw which gets more draw power eventually the deck wont be able to stop unless the opponent uses something to stop my draw power Sep 6 2008 Exodia39s effect does not activate nor does it resolve on the field and Skill Drain only negates effects that activate andor resolve on the field Exodia39s effect doesn39t activate andor resolve on the field as soon as the player has all five Forbidden One Monster cards in hisher the duel is over The same logic applies to Angel O7 Cards That Stop Exodia Pojocom Forums Exodia Dragon Draw FTK Pojocom Forums Whois more powerful exodia or the gods Pojocom Forums Exodia effect work with its head on the field Pojocom Forums Feb 20 2013 On the one hand I39ve always had a soft spot for Exodia and Final Countdown but the game allowed them to become simple solitaire games instead of hard fought matches Anything that gives exodia a boost is aok by me On the other hand Konami hates exodia and Final Countdown because most players hate playing against solitaire hell even dewagame88 I do Jun 14 2010 Exodia Dragon Draw FTK YuGiOh TCG Advanced Deck Discussions Dec 21 2013 Concept is simple get Exodia as fast as possible I am going to break down some of the strategies and reasoning for card choices MAIN DECKCyber Jar and Morphing Jar Both allow to push through 5 cards of my deck This is the heart of the deck its my go to Sangan target and avoids Nobleman of Crossout by using Book of Taiyou Apr 22 2005 Exodia39s effect has nothing to do with it In fact the ONLY reason the head of Exodia is an effect monster is to make things easier for everyone Exodia never activates nor can you credit those 5 cards to your win If they had wanted they could have made the head of Exodia a Normal Monster like the limbs and the game wouldn39t be any Goat Format Empty Jar Exodia OTK Pojocom Forums Oct 24 2015 This thread was created to discuss and build a deck centered around Summoned LordExodia and Exod Flame Instead of running 30 spellstraps and 5 monsters 20 if you have useless extra deck cards and also pray to Ra before a duel so you can FTK like a champ your basic play is to summon the Neo New Exodia and exploit it Cyber Jar ExOdIa Draw Pojocom Forums Jun 30 2011 But Exodia himself is set at infinite which is why he had to be sealed in 5 pieces As far as strictly cards go I prefer Exodia For one he39s legal Also you can build a deck around Exodia that allows you to win the very first turn of the duel No Egyptian God card can give musoya that swift a victory

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