fenite - Two discrete stages of fenitization in ppiptek the Lizhuang REE Fenite SpringerLink Ore Geology Reviews ResearchGate Fenite Mineral information data and localities mindatorg Definition of fenite mindatorg Carbonatite Sandatlas Sodic fenite and potassic fenite are commonly associated with syenite The sodic fenite develops albitite along the contact zone and may be controlled by the fracture system present Pre Fenites associated with carbonatite complexes A review Fenites associated with carbonatite complexes A review A quartzofeldspathic rock that has been altered by alkali metasomatism at the contact of a carbonatite intrusive complex The process is called fenitization Fenite is mostly alkalic feldspar with some aegirine subordinate alkalihornblende and accessory sphene and apatite Ref AGI Such rocks are known as fenite This sample is composed of carbonatitic vein darkcolored and metasomatically altered migmatitic gneiss now fenite which is composed of alkali pyroxenes alkali amphiboles calcite nepheline alkali feldspar titanite fluorite etc Alnö Sweden Width of sample 10 cm Forgotten Fenite VIPS Commission Fenite is a metasomatic rock formed by carbonatite intrusions or carbonation of felsic and mafic rocks It contains alkali feldspar sodic pyroxene and sodic amphibole and is rare and restricted in distribution Fenite Oxford Reference Microanalytical investigation of Krich fenites from the Fenite an overview ScienceDirect Topics Fenite is a metasomatic family of rocks formed at high temperatures characterized by specific minerals and associated with localized metasomatic processes such as autometasomatism and contact metasomatism AI generated definition based on Ore Geology Reviews 2018 Jun 1 2021 Besides the highgrade fenite is more enriched in REE than that of lowgrade fenite Fig 4 f indicating that carbonatitederived fluids have much higher REE concentrations compared to syenitederived fluids which is consistent with the cognition that carbonatites are known to contain the highest concentrations of REE among all igneous Fenite Wikipedia Mar 1 2024 The fenite haloes are texturally divided into two types 1 a proximal fenite varying from mmscale 5 mm to mscale with a phlogopitite halo at the dikebasement rock contact characterized by finegrained 200 μm metasomatic phlogopite Figs 3 d e 4 f and 2 a distal fenite of variable thickness ranging from 1 cm to 1 m Jan 2 2025 Fenite is a rock type that forms around carbonatite intrusions by alkali metasomatism It contains alkalibearing minerals such as orthoclase nepheline arfvedsonite and aegirine Aug 1 2008 A review of occurrences of potassic and sodic fenitization around carbonatites is presented including several new examples and oceanic ones Taken in conjunction with the many kode ntpn examples quoted in the literature conclusions are drawn that the K and Na contents of carbonatitic melts that induce fenitization are primary constituent parts of both calciocarbonatitic and magnesiocarbonatitic melts FeniteRockGeologySpecimenMineralChina NeolithicHD High Fenite is a hightemperature metasomatic rock that forms around alkaline igneous complexes such as carbonatites It contains alkali feldspar sodic amphibole and sodic pyroxene and may have nephéline calcite biotite phlogopite titanite and apatite as accessories How to differentiate the differences between a syenite and a However Fenite can remain relatively stable so the study of Fenite is helpful to identify the related carbonatite This paper compares the alkaline alteration surrounding rock of Baiyunebo deposit with the Fenite associated with carbonatite and investigates whether they are similar which is the key to solving the cause of the deposit Jul 27 2017 Fenites are metasomatized rocks that form around carbonatite and alkaline intrusions enriched in REE and Nb This paper reviews the literature on fenite types formation and exploration potential based on 17 worldwide carbonatite complexes Apr 13 2018 The resulting fenite aureoles can extend 1 km from the source intrusion forming concentrically zoned horizontally and vertically extensive features Fenite is easily recognised in the field and current exposure is much more likely to reveal fenite than small intrusions Therefore understanding fenitisation is imperative to REE exploration Enrichment of heavy REE and Th in carbonatitederived fenite Videos for Fenite FENITES ASSOCIATED WITH CARBONATITES The Canadian Feb 1 2018 Fenites are metasomatized rocks around carbonatite and alkaline intrusions rich in REE and Nb This paper reviews the literature on fenite types formation mineralogy and exploration potential Jul 22 2021 For example fenite at the Alnö Complex Sweden is REEenriched by 49354 ppm in the potassic zone and 0807 ppm in the sodic zone compared to the original migmatite protolith Morogan 1989 REEenriched micromineral assemblages finegrained mineral assemblages containing micronscale REE minerals occur in fenite at Meech Lake Dec 1 2017 A Fenite breccia consisting of Kfeldspar rich clasts at Chenga peripheral to Songwe Hill Malawi B Carbonatite dyke intruding sodic fenite breccia at Lofdal Namibia fenite A rock that was first described from the Fen carbonatite intrusion in southern Norway It is sodiumrich metasomatic orthoclase nepheline arfvedsonite aegirinebearing and developed around carbonatite intrusions Fenite is a term for metasomatized rocks around carbonatite or nephelinite complexes with alkaline composition and mineralogy Learn about the factors stages and types of fenitization and see some African and other cases bentuk pecahan of fenites fenite Encyclopediacom
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