fesses - FESSE translations buttock buttock Learn more slot fendi88 login in the Cambridge FrenchEnglish Dictionary Translation for fesses in the free FrenchEnglish dictionary and many other English translations FESSES Translation in English babla Many translated example sentences containing fesse EnglishFrench dictionary and search engine for English translations English Translation of FESSE The official Collins FrenchEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of French words and phrases Cette technique est indiquée dans les cas de fesses lourdes et tombantes This technique is indicated where the buttocks are heavy and sagging Voici un string très sexy pour mettre vos belles fesses en valeur Here is a very sexy thong to enhance your beautiful buttocks Bouge tes fesses en haut et dis bonne nuit à ton amie Get your ass upstairs and kiss your lady friend good night English translation of fesse Collins Online Dictionary What does fesses mean in French English Translation buttocks More meanings for fesses buttocks noun croupe fanny noun chatte cul Find more words fesse English translation Linguee Il devrait y avoir pli minimum sous la fesse sans incliner There should be minimal crease below the buttock with no droop Une grande quantité dans la fesse peut vous rendre désagréable et inquiétant Large quantity in the modif sepeda buttock can make you unpleasant and disturbing En fait je viens de te sauver les fesse la dedans In fact I just saved your ass in there fesses translation in English FrenchEnglish dictionary Reverso Lorsquun harnais est trop grand les fesses du patient passent à travers et le patient risque de glisser likose likose When a sling is too large the patients behind hangs down and there is a risk of the patient slipping out likose likose What does fesses mean in French WordHippo fesses English translation Linguee fesse translation in English FrenchEnglish dictionary Reverso English translation of les fesses Collins Online Dictionary English Translation of FESSES The official Collins FrenchEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of French words and phrases FESSE translation French to English Cambridge Dictionary fesse Wiktionary the free dictionary Quant à mon homme lœil collé au trou une main sur mes fesses lautre à son vit quil agitait peu à peu il semblait régler son extase sur celle quil surprenait As for my man eyes glued to my hole one hand on my buttocks the other on his dick which he stimulated little by little he seemed to direct his ecstasy on kanga the one he surprised