fluopiram - Fluopyram is a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor mcflurry oreo fungicide inhibits the growth of F virguliforme isolates with mean EC50 of 335 µgmL Mechanism of Action Protocol 1 Fluopyram New Active Ingredient Review CAS 658066354 EPA PC CODE 080302 April 2012 In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act this information is available in alternative forms of communication upon request by calling 6512016000 PDF FLUOPYRAM 243 EXPLANATION Food and Agriculture Organization Fluopyram is a fungicide and nematicide used in agriculture 2 3 It is used to control fungal diseases such as gray mold Botrytis cinerea powdery mildew apple scab Alternaria Sclerotinia and MoniliniaIt is an inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase SDHI fungicide 4Developed and produced by Bayer it was approved in 2012 by the US Environmental Protection Agency 4 and in 2013 In a 24month study of toxicity and carcinogenicity in rats the NOAEL for oncogenicity was 150 ppm equal to 86 mgkg bw per day based on an increased incidence of liver cell tumours Active ingredients Fluopiram 250 gl Trifloxystrobin 250 gl Registration number RI 01020120196455 Form of Formulation Suspension concentrate Formulation color Fluopyram Wikipedia PDF 517 FLUOPYRAM 243 TOXICOLOGY Food and Agriculture Organization 1416 Fluopyram Property Findings Reference Temperature of decomposition decomposition range 300395 C exothermic reaction 329 Jg 2007035901 Relative nemurimouto density D 4 153 at 20 C PA07024 Vapour pressure PDF 2010 JMPR Monograph Feb 24 2011 Food and Agriculture Organization PDF Fluopyram New Active Ingredient Review Fluopyram Fungicide MedChemExpress Fluopyram C16H11ClF6N2O CID 11158353 PubChem Fluopyram C16H11ClF6N2O CID 11158353 structure chemical names physical and chemical properties classification patents literature biological activities Bayer CropScience has introduced fluopyram a new fungicide developed to combat diseases such as gray mold powdery mildew sclerotinia and monilia diseases It will be available for more than 70 crops including vines and table grapes pome and stone fruit vegetables and field crops Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance fluopyram EFSA Journal 20131143052 4 BACKGROUND In accordance with Article 801a of Regulation EC No 110720095 Council Directive 91414EEC6 continues to apply with respect to the procedure and conditions for approval for active substances for which a decision recognising in principle the completeness of the Luna Smart Bayer Indonesia Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the Fluopyram New Fungicide From Bayer CropScience CropLife Fluopyram 618 PCA metabolite are stable in grapes potato tubers cabbage leaves and wheat grain for at least 30 months in frozen storage and that residues of the methylsulfoxide metabolite angka 17 pada burung garuda in wheat forage straw