galego - The Galician Language Google Arts Culture macaugg slot Learn Galician LEARN101ORG Galician language Galician Dialects Romance Languages O galego é unha lingua románica que fala en Galicia e en outras áreas limítrofes Saiba a sua origen características normas dialetos e situación lingüística El gallego es una lengua romance hablada principalmente en Galicia España y en algunas zonas limítrofes con Asturias y Castilla y León Está emparentado con el portugués y tiene carácter oficial en Galicia junto con el castellano Saiba o que é a língua galega sua origem história estatuto e características Conheça a diferença entre o galego e o português e as influências do castelhano e do leonês Saiba o que é o galego unha lingua romance que se fala en Galicia desde hai milénios Descubra as características a distribución e a situación da lingua galega en xesto de datos básicos Galician is a Romance language spoken mainly in Galicia Spain and influenced by both Portuguese and Spanish Learn about its history writing system orthography sample text and links to online resources Galician language Wikipedia Lingua galega Wikipedia a enciclopedia libre O galego é a lingua románica propia da nacionalidade histórica de Galicia e de dunas zonas limítrofes Conhece a sua evolución o seu estatuto actual as suas ligazóns e a súa história na web da Real Academia Galega Learn about the history origin and usage of Galego the official language of Galicia Find out how Galego is related to Spanish and Portugese and how it sounds and looks like Galician language alphabet and pronunciation Omniglot A Crash Course in the Galician Language Trevor Huxham Galego as it is known in Galician is an IndoEuropean language belonging to the Romance branch of languages As the native language of Galicia it is spoken by 27 million inhabitants in Galicia in regions bordering Galicia and in Galician diaspora resulting from immigration particularly in Latin America and Europe GalicianPortuguese Galician galegoportugués or galaicoportugués Portuguese galegoportuguês or galaicoportuguês also known as GalaicPortuguese 2 3 Old GalicianPortuguese Old Galician or Old Portuguese Medieval Galician or Medieval Portuguese when referring to the history of each modern language was a West Iberian Romance language spoken in the Middle Ages A lingua de Galicia Xunta de Galicia Información sobre a lingua propia de Galicia a súa distribución territorial o seu status legal e a súa historia Conhece a evolución a normalización e o uso actual do galego en diferentes ámbitos e contextos Sep 9 2015 O galego para aprendelo O Portal da Lingua Galega home page from the regional government with free downloads for entire textbooks audio files click on Celga 15 depending on your level Galician Galego Omniglot great overview of the language with recordings Galician language Wikipedia exhaustive introduction to the gambar togel 77 language Língua galega Wikipédia a enciclopédia livre Videos for Galego Galicians Galician galegos ɡaˈleɣʊs Spanish gallegos ɡaˈʎeɣos are a Romancespeaking European ethnic group 7 from northwestern Spain they are closely related to the northern Portuguese people 8 and have their historic homeland in Galicia in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula 9 GalicianPortuguese Wikipedia galego Countries Galicia and adjacent areas in Asturias and Castile and León Speakers 32 million Official in Galicia Spain accepted orally as Portuguese by the European Union Parliament Tips Galician is mainly spoken in Galicia an autonomous community located in northwestern Spain where it is coofficial with Castilian Unha edición bilingüe galego hindi de poemas de Papagaio ponlles o ramo ás Letras Galegas de Luísa Villalta Andrés FernándezAlbalat o arquitecto que soñou Galicia dende o humanismo Recompilan a obra en galego de Francisca Herrera pioneira da novela galega e primeira académica Galician is a Romance language spoken in northwestern Spain and adjacent regions of Portugal It is closely related to Portuguese but has its own dialects grammar and literary tradition Galician language Simple English Wikipedia the free Inicio Real Academia Galega Welcome to galegoorg Galician language Galego Galicia Tips All about Galicia O idioma Real Academia Galega Galicians Wikipedia Galician is a Western IberoRomance language spoken mainly in Galicia Spain where it has official status It evolved from GalicianPortuguese and has a high degree of mutual intelligibility with Portuguese but also some dialectal differences and lexical influences from other languages Consulta o léxico e a norma da lingua galega neste dicionario online Busca por lemas definicións exemplos marcas gramaticais e outras opcións de busca avanzada Welcome to the website promoting and providing information about the Galician language Youre invited to travel through our languages history read its main facts learn how some English words are said in Galician and visit other webs of interest about this subject While Galego is widely spoken most people will understand Spanish If you are a Spanish speaker you may wonder about the key differences In many cases you will be able to infer the meaning of a word in Galego a the spelling or sound is similar to Spanish for example playa in Spanish is praia in Galego Idioma gallego Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre Galician Galician Galego is a modern language that is spoken in Galicia a region of Spain in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula Galician is closely related to Portuguese because they split from the same language which is now called GalicianPortuguese or Medieval Galician Some even say that Galician and Portuguese are two dialects of Galician Galego Gallego What is the language spoken in Dicionario Real Academia Galega Datos básicos da lingua galega O no 17 togel Portal da Lingua Galega
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