garlon - Triclopyr Wikipedia Garlon 3A herbicide provides slot 3178 download superior woody plant and broadleaf weed control while maintaining the integrity of roadsides or rightsofway Its the ideal solution for controlling unwanted weeds brush and trees beneath electrical power lines along railroad beds roadsides and pipelines and in forestry and wildlife openings including Garlon 4 Ultra herbicide is the industry standard for basal cutstump basal bark and dormantstem treatments delivering excellent broadspectrum control of woody plants even after other products call it quits for the season Find supplemental labels for this product Download Product Label Triclopyr is a selective weedkiller used to control dicotyledonous weeds ie broadleaf plants while leaving monocotyledonous plants mostly bulbs grasses and conifers unaffected 2 or to control rust fungus on soybean crops 3In the USA it is sold under the trade names Garlon Remedy Turflon WeedBGon purple label BrushBGon among others and in the UK as SBK Brushwood Killer Garlon XRT herbicide is the greenest and the most concentrated formulation in the forestry industry offering unrivaled flexibility and the ability to be used for site prep midrotation release forest roadside brush removal and the establishment of wildlife openings Download Product Label Garlon 600 Herbicide I Corteva Agriscience Garlon 4 Ultra Herbicide Land Management Corteva Garlon 4 Ultra Herbicide is the liquid ester formulation for foliar and basal bark applications and is effective on actively growing brush by penetrating the bark and entering the cambium layer Also effective as a lateseason application Active Ingredients Triclopyr Butoxyethyl ester 616 Foruulation Type Ester Herbicide Mode of Action 4 Quick overview Garlon 4 Ultra Herbicide is the liquid ester formulation for foliar and basal bark applications and is effective on film kawin actively growing brush by penetrating the bark and entering the cambium layer Also effective as a lateseason application Active Ingredients Triclopyr Butoxyethyl ester 616 Foruulation Type Ester Herbicide Mode of Action 4 Garlon 4 Ultra Herbicide Do My Own Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide Agri Star controls woody plants plus annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in noncrop areas Recommended applications include industrial manufacturing and storage sites rightsofway such as electrical power lines pipelines roadsides railroads fence rows forests and wildlife openings Garlon 3A Herbicide Land Management Corteva Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593 Garlon XRT Herbicide Land Management Corteva Garlon 4 Ultra Herbicide Corteva Forestry Distributing a Horizon Company PDF What you should know about Garlon 3A herbicide Arborchem Garlon 3A has the potential to harm sensitive woody or broadleaf plants that come in direct contact with the spray solution Therefore applicators take care to apply Garlon 3A only on targeted vegetation specifi ed by the vegetation manager Crews use extra caution to Garlon 600 Herbicide contains the active ingredient Triclopyr which has activity on a wide range of broadleaf weeds It is registered for the control of woody weeds and melons as specified in the Directions of Use Garlon 600 Label Garlon 600 SDS Rotational Crop Plantbank Intervals N Aus Garlon 4 Ultra Herbicide is the industry standard for herbicide control Made by Dow AgroSciences this product keeps rightofways roadsides and other noncrop sites clear of unwanted weeds Using triclopyr as its active ingredient Garlon 4 Ultra Herbicide controls 80 different plants that other methods of control would have a difficult time Triclopyr 4 Herbicide Garlon sexnn 4 Remedy Alligare Forestry
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