gromokson - Herbicide CDMS

Brand: gromokson

gromokson - Gramoxone SL 30 Herbicide Start the handball dalam sepak bola adalah annual fight against weeds with the lightningfast burndown of Gramoxone SL 30 herbicide Formulated for optimum efficiency the increased active ingredient load leads to lower application volumes and reduced handling Backed by knowledgeable Syngenta field sales representatives and agronomists Fastacting Effective Harvest Aid Syngenta US Gramoxone 30 SL is a paraquat restricted use pesticide containing burndown herbicide that has fastacting results in as little as 48 hours Gramoxone SL 20 delivers convenient flexible and dependable burndown of emerged grass and broadleaf weeds It has burndown strength to kill the hard to kill weeds with glyphosate resistance Syngenta introduces Gramoxone Inteon Farm Progress Aug 27 2018 O herbicida mais usado no mundo Roundup aplicado em 90 das lavouras de soja no Brasil está dando problemas para a Bayer farmacêutica e química alemã em 2016 a empresa comprou a norte Feb 16 2022 Paraquat is a chemical herbicide or weed killer thats highly toxic and used all over the world Its also known by the brand name Gramoxone Aug 19 2022 Gramoxone SL Paraquat Gramoxone is a contact herbicide and should be applied at 1 pintacre plus nonionic surfactant 1 qt100 gallons of spray to soybean that is mature 65 or more of the seed pods have reached mature brown color or seed moisture is 30 or less A preharvest interval of 15 days should be maintained Gramoxone SL 20 contains 20 pounds paraquat cation per gallon as 2762 pounds paraquat dichloride per gallon Gramoxone SL 20 contains alerting agent odor emetic and dye EPA Reg No 1001431 EPA Est 100LA001 Product of the United Kingdom Formulated in the USA SCP 1431AL1H 1118 4104090 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Paraquat Poisoning Gramoxone Toxicity and Side Effects Herbicide CDMS Syngenta Gramoxone Herbicide is a nonselective contact herbicide that is used to control a wide range of weeds in a variety of crops It is formulated as a soluble liquid SL and is applied to the leaves of the weeds Technical Composition Gramoxone Herbicide contains 24 ww of the active ingredient paraquat dichloride Paraquat Dichloride US EPA Gramoxone SL 20 Syngenta rareagriculturalproductscom Feb 10 2006 New Gramoxone Inteon herbicide from Syngenta Crop Protection is as effective as Gramoxone Max in burndown and harvest aid uses and offers an effective alternative to glyphosate technology Gramoxone Inteon is a major advance in product stewardship and reduced risk said Rusty Wendt Syngenta brand manager Approved Pamphlet GRAMOXONE 8661 070730 Page 1 of 11 GROUP 22 HERBICIDE GRAMOXONE LIQUID HERBICIDE WITH WETTING AGENT Contains Paraquat AGRICULTURAL A nonresidual Herbicide for the Control of Many Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds Inactivated on Contact with the Soil FOR USE ONLY BY FARMERS AND PEST CONTROL OPERATORS Jun 26 2024 Paraquat dichloride commonly referred to as paraquat is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States Paraquat is also often referred to as Gramoxone a popular enduse product It is an important tool for the control of weeds in many agricultural and nonagricultural kode pos lebak rangkasbitung settings Get Ahead of Weeds Early Syngenta US As a Resistance Fighter brand Gramoxone SL 30 brings an important mode of action to a growers weed management arsenal When combined with residual herbicides like Reflex Prefix Sequence Boundary 65 EC or Dual Magnum Gramoxone SL 30 adds outstanding contact and broadspectrum burndown of tough weeds With our Resistance plus Gramoxone SL 30 at 2 to 75 fl ozA in first application then apply Gramoxone SL 30 at 16 to 213 fl ozA in second application made 7 to 10 days later Desiccation application Apply Gramoxone SL 30 at 106 to 213 fl ozA Use higher rates for stripper cotton and excessive cotton growth Regrowth suppression To assist in regrowth WSSA Resistance Group 22 Cropnoncrop registration Nonselective often used to control existing vegetation at planting in notill systems such as corn directed sprays in apples cherries grapes pears plums established more than 1 year interrow spraying in strawberries stale seedbed technique for vegetables and field crops dormant season in established alfalfa clover and bird Weed Killer Gramoxone Weed Killer Gramoxone On eBay Gramoxone kills all green vegetation by contact action It does not affect the brown mature bark of trees Gramoxone is activated by bright sunlight and is rainfast in 10 minutes All grasses and broad leaved weeds are affected to a greater or lesser extent Gramoxone is inactivated on contact with soil and cannot be taken up by the roots of crops Gramoxone SL 20 Herbicide With fastacting results in as little as 48 hours Gramoxone SL 20 delivers convenient flexible and dependable burndown of emerged grass and broadleaf weeds It even targets the most difficulttocontrol weeds such as barnyardgrass Florida beggarweed Italian ryegrass Johnsongrass Palmer amaranth morning Syngenta Gramoxone Herbicide 1LT Agriplex Labels for GRAMOXONE EXTRA HERBICIDE 1001043 US EPA Aperta o cerco contra o Roundup herbicida mais usado no mundo Videos for Gramoxone Uso do glifosato agrotóxico mais vendido no mundo é G1 Gramoxone SL 20 Herbicide Syngenta US GRAMOXONE INTEON December 29 2005 PDF 1001217 GRAMOXONE INTEON September 30 2005 PDF 1001217 GRAMOXONE INTEON August 17 2005 PDF 1 9 Active Harvest Aid Herbicide Options in Soybean CropWatch Jan 19 2021 Em março de 2019 órgão já havia publicado um parecer afirmando que o químico não causava câncer Agricultores que aplicarem químico terão que utilizar tecnologias que reduzam em 50 a Labels for GRAMOXONE INTEON 1001217 US EPA Looking For Weed Killer Gramoxone We Have Almost Everything On eBay But Did You Check eBay Check Out Weed Killer Gramoxone On eBay TOXICIDADE AGUDA DO HERBICIDA GRAMOXONE 200 EM Colossama macropomum UNB A Nação PréModernista em contos de Lima Barreto e Monteiro Lobato A PRESERVAÇÃO DA MEMÓRIA ARQUIVÍSTICA DA ADMINISTRAÇÃO PÚBLICA FEDERAL NO BRASIL GRAMOXONE gramoxone extra herbicide may 21 2001 pdf 1001043 gramoxone extra herbicide april 27 2001 pdf 10182280 gramoxone extra herbicide august 14 2000 pdf Gramoxone 500ml Agropests 65ª Reunião Anual da SBPC sbpcnetorgbr Gramoxone paraquat CALS Cornell CALS Gramoxone SL aromapoker 30 Herbicide Syngenta US

