harmet - Harmet Trade with Estonia

Brand: harmet

harmet - Harmet Modular Houses toodab moodulmaju ehk bokepers ruumelemente 1997 aastast alates Tootmine Meie tehased toodavad terviklahendusi moodulehitistele ehitussoojakutele ja erinevatele metallkonstruktsioonidele PRODUCTION Harmet Jdoo Harmet is a company that produces modular houses onsite facilities and metal structures since 1997 It operates in five factories and exports mainly to Scandinavia with a mission to create suitable and innovative solutions for customers Our people Harmet HARMET CO serves entire aspects of IPR field by focusing itself on IPR protection prosecution and filing IPR applications at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights at the Republic of Indonesia Our firm handles patent applications and prosecution as well as the annuity payment of granted patents including trademark Harmet Modular Building HMB is a company that erects modular houses and performs turnkey solutions in the Nordics It has installed more than 5000 modules and built more than 3000 homes for various clients and areas of operation HARMET OÜ 10282927 Overview Inforegisteree Harmets main products are wooden modular houses and worksite facilities The use of Metsä Woods Kerto LVL laminated veneer lumber products enables the fast light and green construction of wooden modules Harmet is one of the regions biggest producers and suppliers with an export share of more than 90 mainly Puusepa tee 4 Kumna 76614 Harjumaa Estonia Phone 372 666 0420 Email infoharmetee Harmet HARMET jdoo Production Metal and nonmetal parts Milling Turning Grinding Bending Laser cutting Harmet Constructions OÜ 413 likes Modular houses production and construction works Company Fact Sheet Harmet At HARMET we are specialized in highquality production and assembly services Our technology and equipment enable us to provide CNC milling CNC turning grinding welding laser cutting and bending The Harmet mission is to participate in the creation of a better more environmentally aware life and work environment The Harmet vision is to be a progressive sustainable environmentally aware socially responsible development and innovationoriented enterprise The prospective vision of OÜ Harmet includes being Puusepa tee 4 Kumna 76614 Harjumaa Estonia Phone 372 666 0420 Email infoharmetee Harmet Constructions OÜ Facebook Harmet Modular Building OÜs quality environmental occupational health and safety management system correspond to the requirements of chord dibandingke international standards ISO 90012015 we follow this quality management standard and ensure we fulfil the promises weve made to our clients ISO 140012015 were efficient use natural resources Harmet Garment Harmet adalah Perusahaan Garment Terbesar di Harmet Harmet Co Harmet Building Modular Building Harmet started as a market research project to identify the demand for construction site huts and evolved into the largest modular building manufacturer in the Baltics It sells its products to Scandinavia the UK and the US and employs over 800 people But recently Harmet has expanded to other areas as well including tailormade bathroom pods built at the companys factories in Estonia and in Finland Another new business venture is a real estate development project in Finland where Harmet has teamed up with Finnish TILA Group to develop a residential area on 74 hectares of land near Company Harmet Building Perkenalkan kami dari Perusahaan Manufakturing Garment dan Pengadaan barang dan jasa dibawah naungan PT HARMET SETIA CEMERLANG yang telah memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya Kami memproduksi berbagai jenis kebutuhan yang dibutuhkan Client kami dengan didukung oleh Sumber Daya Manusia yang handal dan Profesional serta Kompeten dibidangnya masing With the support from our experienced IPR Consultants Lawyers and the expert staffs in IPR We provides highquality services to fulfill our clients needs in this globalization era Harmet OÜ LinkedIn Company Harmet Harmet Co Harmet Trade with Estonia Harmet a shortcut from an idea to a finished building Estonias Harmet manufactures prefabricated housing modules Harmet OÜ produces and exports prefabricated modules and onsite facilities for various construction projects Learn about their products services locations employees and latest news on LinkedIn Harmet Overview News Similar companies ZoomInfocom Home Harmet Jdoo Jul 1 2016 Description Osaühing Harmet koostab koostöös digitaliseerimis ja automatiseerimisalaste spetsialistidega ettevõtte digitaliseerimise teekaardi ehk strateegilise dokumendi milles tuuakse välja kitsaskohad ja nende prioriteetsus ettevõtte protsessides kitsaskohtade lahendamiseks vajalik tegevuskava ja investeeringute eelarve ning digitaalsete või automatiseerimisalaste lahenduslike Dec 13 2020 Harmet produces wooden modular houses and worksite facilities using Kerto LVL products from Metsä Wood Learn how Harmet delivers fast light and green solutions to customers in nitih Scandinavia and the UK

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