hydrocotyle - Hydrocotyle also called floating pennywort 5 shackel water pennywort 6 Indian pennywort dollar weed marsh penny thickleaved pennywort and white rot 7 is a genus of prostrate perennial 8 aquatic or semiaquatic plants formerly classified in the family Apiaceae now in the family Araliaceae Hydrocotyle leucocephala How To Grow Brazilian Pennywort Hydrocotyle Wikipedia Hydrocotyle americana also known as American waterpennywort navelwort or water pennywort is a creeping plant that grows in moist areas It has round to kidneyshaped leaves with shallow lobes inconspicuous white flowers and tiny brown fruits Hydrocotyle leucocephala otherwise known as Brazilian pennywort is a fastgrowing stem plant having attractive halfdollarsized bright green leaves and delicate stems that spread out horizontally in the tank The species is easy to grow and suitable for all kinds of tanks and it is easily adaptable to varying tank conditions List of Hydrocotyle species Wikipedia Hydrocotyle vulgaris is a small aquatic plant native to Europe Africa and Asia It has edible serrated leaves tiny greenish flowers and is used in gardens and aquariums Hydrocotyle steyermarkii Mathias Constance Hydrocotyle striata Benth Hydrocotyle sulcata CJWebb PNJohnson T Hydrocotyle tambalomaensis HWolff Hydrocotyle tenerrima Rose ex Mathias Hydrocotyle tetragonocarpa Bunge Hydrocotyle tonkinensis Tardieu Hydrocotyle torresiana Rose Standl Hydrocotyle leucocephala requirements Brazilian pennywort is one of our favorite beginner plants thanks to its hardy unfussy nature It can leko88 grow in a wide range of temperatures and water parameters as long as you provide at least medium light levels Learn about the features requirements and care of Hydrocotyle tripartita a popular aquascaping plant with green lobed leaves Find out how to propagate prune and control this fastgrowing plant in CO2 injected or non CO2 tanks Hydrocotyle vulgaris Plant Finder Missouri Botanical Garden Hydrocotyle vulgaris Wikipedia How to grow Hydrocotyle tripartita Hydrocotyle Japan Hydrocotyle umbellata also known as dollarweed is a perennial weed that grows in moist open areas and swamps It has round glossy leaves that resemble silver dollars and small green flowers in umbels Hydrocotyle vulgaris commonly called pennywort is a ground cover for moist to wet areas Stems clad with round peltate shortstalked leaves 34 to 15 diameter with scalloped edges float in very shallow water or creep along the ground rooting at the nodes as they go Purplishgreen flowers are inconspicuous appearing in 25 Hydrocotyle is a family of perennial pennywort species that thrive in damp conditions and spread through lawn grass Learn how to identify and control hydrocotyle with Yates Hydrocotyle Killer and other products How to control Hydrocotyle Yates Brazilian Pennywort Care Guide Shrimp and Snail Breeder Hydrocotyle umbellata North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox Hydrocotyle americana North Carolina yasuda Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox