ijost - ejournalupieduindexphpijost

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ijost - IJOST in Journals Meanings and Abbreviations takmir adalah PREFACEIndonesian Journal of Science and Technology IJoST is a peerreviewed journal that aims to publish and disseminate innovative research articles Sciteai IJoST International Journal of Scottish Theatre AcronymFinder Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology CitefactororgJournalResearch PaperIndexingImpact kode pos walikukun factor IJOST Indonesia Journal of Science and Technology Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology IJoST Indonesian Scientific Journals ejournalupieduindexphpijost Analisis JETS dan IJOST Juni 2020 melihat dibalik angka kuartil Ijost IJOST Indonesia University of Education Bandung UPI milna wgain Tim Pengembang Jurnal ResearchGate

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