ikan tetra - 1 Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesiPhoto by syair khobbiri latin SOK on Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BYSA 40 Cropped from original The Neon Tetra is a small fish that inhabits the Amazon River basin As its name implies this tetra fish has a bright blue stripe that runs from nose to fin which gives it its name and a red streak from the middle of its body to the tail 142 Tetra Fish Types Different Varieties of Tetras Aquadiction 39 Most Colorful Active Types of Tetras for Your Tank Fish Tank Advisor Tidak seperti ikan tetra lainnya bleeding heart tetra tetap berada di tengah dan bawah kolom air Jika mereka terlalu sering naik ke atas itu mungkin berarti mereka tidak mendapatkan cukup oksigen Ikan ini diberi nama berdasarkan bintik merah di tubuhnya Aquarist biasanya menyebut tempat ini sebagai hati jadi nama bleeding heart The Crystal Tetra Protochelrodon pl is fully transparent including the fins and covered in tiny black dots You can see its uniquely divided swim bladder that forms the shape of the Greek letter pi These fish can be somewhat shy and skittishKeeping them in large groups of at least ten will increase their comfort level and lead to more natural behavior Ikan tetra adalah ikan hias air tawar yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia Simak ulasan 17 jenis ikan tetra paling bagus dan populer mulai dari neon tetra cardinal tetra black phantom tetra dan lainnya 22 Jenis Ikan Tetra Ikan Hias Kecil untuk Aquascape Titikduanet Artikel ini menjelaskan 22 jenis ikan tetra yang populer dan cocok untuk dipelihara di aquascape dengan penjelasan tentang asal warna ukuran dan cara makanannya Ikan tetra adalah ikan hias kecil yang banyak berwarna dan berkilau dan biasanya hidup berkelompok di akuarium The Bucktooth Tetra is a species thats vastly different from others in the tetra family It has a similar overall shape and appearance But its behavior is not very tetralike These fish are known for being gabung ppt quite aggressive In the wild they are predatory fish In addition to eating insects and small fish they will consume fish scales This tetra is a relatively recent discovery being officially recognized in 1987 However you can find these active fish in most aquarium stores or from online dealers Like all tetra species embers should be kept in schools of at least six or more individuals Black Skirt Tetra Scientific name Gymnocorymbus ternetzi Tank size 20 gallons Types of Tetras 8 of Our Favorites With Pictures 27 Types of Tetras Species Facts and Photos TRVST 17 Jenis Ikan Tetra Terpopuler Beserta Gambar dan Harganya If youre in search of a good addition to your South American biotope tank stop right here The three beautiful species in the genus Petitella two of which were formerly known as Hemigrammus also called the rummy nose tetras are naturally found in the dark waters of the Amazon basin and will love a similar environment in the aquarium Keep the redfaced rummy nose tetra in a tank of at 30 Jenis Ikan Tetra Paling Menakjubkan Daftar Lengkap 31 Amazing Types Of Tetra Species The Complete List Aquarium Source Tetra is the commonly known name for many small freshwater characiform fish belonging to the biological family Characidae and the former subfamilies Lebiasinidae and Alestidae There are currently over 800 types of tetra fish species distributed among these three families Characidae can be recognised from other fish by their small adipose fin located between the dorsal fin and the tail Ikan tetra adalah jenis ikan hias kecil yang menawan dimana ikan ini cocok sebagai ikan hias aquascape yuk baca ulasannya Satria Hewan adalah situs mengenai cara merawat hewan peliharaan dan berbagai informasi terkait dunia hewan menampilkan berbagai artikel lengkap seputar hewan yuk ketahui cara memelihara hewan Ikan Tetra 20 Jenis Ikan Tetra dan Cara Merawatnya Satria Hewan Types of Tetras 20 Popular Tetra kahyang Species Care Guide Aquariadise
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