inbajp - HANDLING AND STORAGE INVESTMENTS INBAP Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty

Brand: inbajp

inbajp - PDF I N B a P fasilitas sepak bola I N T E R M O D a L Home Inbap Intermodal About us Inbap Intermodal OUR COMPANY INBAP GROUP obiekty handlowousługowe terminale Home Inbap Terminal The INBAP Group team consists of more than two hundred qualified employees and numerous experts working together on individual projects and investments The companys head office is located in Warsaw and the management office in Biała Podlaska Our investment department is located in Gdańsk INBAP TERMINAL IINBAP Terminal is a modern base for handling storage and filtration of highsolids products and handling liquid fuels Work is currently underway to maximise the functionality security and quality of the services offered there The terminal is located in Małaszewicze which due to its location at the junction of main Terminal przeładunkowy INBAP oferuje kompleksowe usługi logistyczne i transportowe Skorzystaj z nowoczesnej infrastruktury i doświadczenia w obsłudze przeładunku towarów Home INBAP GROUP obiekty handlowousługowe terminale przeładunkowe INBAP INTERMODAL Largest terminal on the Polish eastern wall Comprehensive solutions to support intermodal services on the New Silk Road Transshipment Storage Other Services Тerminal ul Lotnicza 4 21540 Małaszewicze Małe Headquarter Al Jana Pawła II 22 00133 Warszawa Correspondence ul Sidorska 83 INBAP Terminal przeładunek i magazynowanie INBAP Intermodal INBAP GROUP is a group of more than a dozen entities with a wide range of activities which have been successfully operating in the real estate and capital markets for more than 30 years Our business activities include service and commercial and residential developments in small and mediumsized cities as well as transhipment and warehouse PDF I N B a P T E hambak R M I N a L I Strona główna INBAP GROUP obiekty handlowousługowe terminale The INBAP Terminal is located at the east border of Poland in Małaszewicze Duże near the border with Belarus directly at route No 2 of the TENT core network corridor ie North Sea Baltic Sea connecting the most important ports in Europe using all available modes of transport INBAP GROUP to grono kilkunastu podmiotów o szerokim profilu działalności które od ponad 30 lat z dużym powodzeniem funkcjonują na rynku nieruchomości i kapitałowym Nasza aktywność biznesowa obejmuje inwestycje usługowohandlowe oraz mieszkaniowe realizowane w miastach małych i średniej wielkości a także projekty INBAP TERMINAL Comprehensive and modern solutions for the handling and storage of liquid fuels chemicals and bulk goods Transshipment Methanol Filtration Heavy fuel oil Warehouse facility Aggregates CONTACT US terminalinbapcom 48 502 167 884 Terminal ul Lotnicza 4 21540 Małaszewicze Małe Headquarter INBAP INTERMODAL Comprehensive solutions to support intermodal services on the New Silk Road A modern INBAP intermodal terminal is being built at the interface between Western and Eastern Europe in the heart of an important trade route Located directly on route 2 of the TENT core network corridor ie North SeaBaltic Sea connecting the most HANDLING AND STORAGE INVESTMENTS INBAP Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty The largest modern fully functional INBAP INTERMODAL transhipment terminal at the Polish eastern border is executed on an area of over 28 hectares in Małaszewicze Duże near Terespol 120 km from the border crossing with Ukraine and only 5 km from the border with Belarus directly at route 2 of the TENT core network areajulid route ie North Sea

