ini - Windows batch script to read an ini file Stack Overflow

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ini - Nov 23 2015 Since an INI xter file is an informal standard it depends on the program which is using the configuration file The INI file format is an informal standard for configuration files for some platforms or software INI files are simple text files with a basic structure composed of sections properties and values Windows batch script to read an ini file Stack Overflow May 12 2015 for personal reasons I wouldn39t like to use the registry I prefer plain text initialization files ini I also don39t feel like holding the files in the same directory as the executables the ideal situation allows me to keep them somewhere generic where users or system administrators are allowed to write How to load environment variables in a configini file It depends on the parser of the ini file The values are always strings truefalse In C I can convert true and false strings directly to bool Equals readability and easy conversion less code 01 I have to convert string 0 and 1 to int before converting to bool Smaller ini file size Less readable more code Refer variable from another ini file Stack Overflow Sep 4 2009 Windows INI API support for Line comments yes using semicolon Trailing comments No The authoritative source is the Windows API function that reads values out of INI files GetPrivateProfileString Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file The reason full line comments work is because the requested value Do standard Windows ini files allow comments Stack Overflow Nov 16 2018 I have a configini file which contains some properties but I want to read the environment variables inside the config file kode pos tawangsari section1 prop1from envrinment variable or value1 Is this possibl ini where to put initialization files in windows Stack Oct 25 2017 Yeah yeah I know it looks like it39s from rear but it works although not sure will it work with spaces in folder or spaces in files Built it to basically just have ini file at same folder and ran from commandline Usage genetixinicmd section inputext outputext UPDATE 2 Seems I made mistake on not zeroing the 2 set vars Oct 10 2008 The format of this ini files is the common windows style with header sections and keyvalue pairs using as the character for commenting I tried using the Properties class from Java but of course that won39t work if there is name clashes between different headers What is the easiest way to parse an INI file in Java How to set boolean values in an INI configuration file from benedict import benedict path can be a ini string a filepath or a remote url path 39pathtoconfigini39 d benedictfrominipath do stuff with your dict write it back to disk dtoinifilepathpath It39s well tested and documented check the README to see all the features file Execute a program with a custom ini path Stack Overflow How to read and write INI file with Python3 Stack Overflow Feb 24 2012 No there isn39t As I said it depends on each software If the development team decided they support an argument i ini path then it works for that executable and that executable only I have updated my answer with a case where generic arguments could be available you would have to check if it berapa tinggi net bola voli putra dan putri applies to your case

