inkonsisten - INCONSISTENT meaning 1 If a reason 0855 kode area mana idea opinion etc is inconsistent different parts of it do not agree or it does Learn more Inconsistent Definition Meaning Britannica Dictionary INCONSISTENT Synonyms 114 Similar and Opposite Words MerriamWebster INCONSISTENT definition in American English Collins Online Dictionary Inconsistent definition of inconsistent by The Free Dictionary That which is inconsistent involves variance discrepancy or even contradiction esp from the point of view of truth reason or logic His actions are inconsistent with his statements incompatible implies incapability of close association or harmonious relationship as from differences of nature character temperament and the like INCONSISTENT definition Cambridge English Dictionary Inconsistent describes something thats varied or irregular So if youre supposed to floss every day but you only remember every now and then your commitment to oral hygiene could be called inconsistent 1 not usually before noun inconsistent with something if two statements etc are inconsistent or one is inconsistent with the other they cannot both be true because they give the facts in a different way The report is inconsistent with the financial statements The witnesses statements were inconsistent inconsistent Wiktionary the free dictionary Inconsistent Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom inconsistent adjective Definition pictures pronunciation and usage The meaning of INCONSISTENT is lacking consistency How to use inconsistent smekdon in a sentence lacking consistency such as not compatible with another fact or claim containing incompatible elements See the full definition Games Games Word of the Day Grammar Wordplay Rhymes Word Finder Thesaurus Join MWU Shop Books Customers have been complaining about the inconsistent service they have received more examples hide examples Example sentences Hide examples b not continuing to happen or develop in the same way The pain has been inconsistent Her grades have been inconsistent this school year Synonyms for INCONSISTENT conflicting incompatible contradictory discrepant incongruous mutually exclusive repugnant contrary Antonyms of INCONSISTENT Inconsistent Definition Meaning MerriamWebster INCONSISTENT English meaning Cambridge Dictionary inconsistent comparative more inconsistent superlative most inconsistent Not consistent Antonym consistent Not compatible with another thing incompatible discrepant at odds His account of the evening was inconsistent with the securitycamera footage Lacking internal consistency selfcontradicting not compatible with itself He gave an inconsistent account of the evening saying Define inconsistent inconsistent synonyms inconsistent pronunciation inconsistent translation English dictionary definition of inconsistent adj 1 Displaying or marked by a lack of consistency especially a Not regular or predictable erratic inconsistent behavior b Lacking in correct INCONSISTENT definition 1 If a reason idea opinion etc is inconsistent different parts of it do not agree or nyogok it does Learn more
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