interconexindo - Pt Interconexindo Pratama made 317 import wiredbucks shipments its top 3 sourcing countries are China India and Italy and Top 3 Import product categories are HSN Code 32071000 HSN Code 25291010 and HSN Code 68042100 PT Interconexindo Pratama Indonesia Companiesfactscom Pt Interconexindo Pratamas Buyer Supplier full Export PT Interconexindo Pratama terletak di Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Di lokasi ini PT Interconexindo Pratama mempekerjakan sekitar 53 orang Perusahaan ini bekerja di industri berikut Pedagang grosir Interconexindo Pratama PT View PT Interconexindo Pratama in Indonesia with business number 429580 Access company information on their incorporation details similar companies shareholders directors and more PT Interconexindo Pratama Hubungi Kami About Us PT Interconexindo Pratama berlokasi diJl bukit gading raya blok G no10 kelapa gading INTERCONEXINDO PRATAMAPT Alamat dan Nomor Profil Usaha PT Interconexindo Pratama Jl bukit gading raya blok G no10 kelapa gading Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta Indonesia Hubungi dengan Telepon Hubungi dengan Email Owner Interconexindo Pengalaman Interconexindo Lokasi Jakarta 41 koneksi di LinkedIn Lihat profil Pt Interconexindo Kontjoro di LinkedIn komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 miliar anggota Pt interconexindo pratama Indonesia Trade Data PT INTERCONEXINDO PRATAMA Klaten Indonesia Pasar Kemis PT Interconexindo Pratama 021 4516567 Daerah Khusus PT Interconexindo Pratama Tentang Kami Indotradingcom About PT Interconexindo Pratama Contact Us PT Interconexindo Pratama Jl bukit gading raya blok G no10 kelapa gading Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta Indonesia PT Interconexindo Pratama DKI Jakarta Indonesia Profil Perusahaan berlokasi diJl bukit gading raya blok G no10 kelapa gading Bidang PerusahaanTahun Terdaftar Contact PT Interconexindo Pratama Indotradingcom Pt Interconexindo Pratamas Company Profile with Product wise Import Export Shipment Data along with Company Key Decision Makers Contacts like Phone Number Email Linkedin and address Volza Pt interconexindo pratama Pt interconexindo perbani pratama is an Importer in Indonesia We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product Price Quantity HS code Ports and suppliers Import data is collected through Govt sources port authorities and shipping line companies We provide complete insight about every importer PT Interconexindo Pratama Interconexindo Pratama PT is a Indonesia company located in Jl Bukit Gading Raya Bl G10 JAKARTA 14240 DKI JAKARTA more detail is as below Pt Interconexindo Pratamas Buyer Suppliers full Export Find company information contact details financial data company linkages for PT INTERCONEXINDO PRATAMA of Klaten Indonesia Interconexindo Pratama PT 0214516565 0214516566 021 Interconexindo Pratama PT Indonesia Company Report Last Update 2February2024 Major Businessline Ceramic chemical General chemical industryes PT Interconexindo Pratama Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta Profil Pt Interconexindo Kontjoro Owner LinkedIn Profil Perusahaan PT Interconexindo Pratama Tahun Berdiri 2000 Alamat Jl bukit gading raya blok G no10 kelapa gading Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta Bidang Perusahaan interconexindo pratama Komplek Ruko Gading Bukit Indah Blok G10 Jl Bukit Gading Raya 14240 Jakarta Indonesia Categories PT Interconexindo Pratama Jl bukit gading raya blok G no10 kelapa gading Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta Indonesia PT Interconexindo Pratama Jl bukit gading raya blok G no10 kelapa gading Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta Indonesia Hubungi dengan Telepon Hubungi dengan Email PT INTERCONEXINDO PRATAMA Jakarta Indonesia Komplek Ruko PT Interconexindo Pratama PT Interconexindo Pratama Company Information 2024 Profil Usaha INTERCONEXINDO PRATAMAPT Jl P Jayakarta 117 Blk B No 8 0216490719 6490720Fax 6599678Bisnis Adhisive for footwear Alamat dan Nomor Telepon Profil Usaha INTERCONEXINDO PRATAMAPT Explore comprehensive incorporation and financial information for PT Interconexindo Pratama Pte Ltd Indonesia Registered under Business Number the company details include shareholder data capital structure and key financial reports