intertekstualitas - Summary Intertextuality is a concept first dotaio outlined in the work of poststructuralist theorists Julia Kristeva and Roland Barthes and refers to the emergence of and understanding of any individual text out of the vast network of discourses and languages that make up culture TextTexts Julia Kristevas Concept of Intertextuality ResearchGate Intertekstualitas Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas Intertextuality has been influential in the field of literary studies ever since Bulgarian philosopher Julia Kristeva coined the term in the late 1960s This draft paper surveys major intertextual works especially those related to New Testament ATLANTIS XVIII 12 1996 INTERTEXTUALITY ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONCEPT María Jesús Martínez Al faro Universidad de Zaragoza The analysis of the concept of intertextual ity carried out in this essay begins with a survey of Intertextuality which has occasionally been used somewhat blithely to designate interdisciplinary and comparative investigations of various sorts may in its theorization and historicization not be blithe at all Project MUSE Intertextuality An Introduction James Joyces 1922 novel Ulysses bears an intertextual relationship to Homers Odyssey Julia Kristeva coined the term intertextuality intertextualité 13 in an attempt to synthesize Ferdinand de Saussures semiotics his study of how signs derive their meaning from the structure of a text Bakhtins dialogism his theory suggests a continual dialogue with other works of literature and Learn how Kristeva defines intertextuality as the relation of any text to other texts and how it challenges the notion of the autonomous text Explore the implications of intertextuality for literary production interpretation and theory Intertextuality A Recent History of Interpretation Academiaedu Intertextuality Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature Ketiga intertekstualitas juga melihat bahwa teks dibentuk berdasarkan sumber tertulis maupun sumber non tertulis 1 Sumbangsih Intertekstualitas memberikan sumbangsih penting dalam berbagai studi seperti dalam studi musik studi sastra dalam studi teologi dan studi lainnya 4 Intertekstual Hermeneutis Kajian Semanalisis Hingga Intertekstualitas Julia Kristeva Analisis atas Teks AlQuran tentang Eksistensi Hujan Article Fulltext available Apr 2021 Umi Wasilatul Firdausiyah Julia Kristeva Intertextuality Literary Theory and Criticism Intertextuality Origins and Development of The Concept Jstor Authors Jeanine Plottel and Hanna Charney give more of a glimpse into the full scope of intertextuality in their book Intertextuality New Perspectives in CriticismInterpretation is shaped by a complex of relationships between the text the reader reading writing printing publishing and history the history that is inscribed in the language of the text and in the history that is carried Intertextuality Derived from the Latin intertexto meaning to intermingle while weaving intertextuality is a term first introduced by French semiotician Julia Kristeva in the late sixtiesIn essays such as Word Dialogue and Novel Kristeva broke with traditional notions of the authors influences and the texts sources positing that all signifying systems from table settings to Intertextuality University of Virginia Intertextuality Wikipedia Intertextuality elsit Definition and Examples ThoughtCo