jabejabe - Cape Verde StormPetrel birdfindinginfo

Brand: jabejabe

jabejabe - Cape Verde StormPetrel jabejabe Breeds in thabet Cape Verde over an extended season possibly yearround with two peaksone from October into winter the other from April into summer Gives the longest most complex calls and genetic analyses indicate that it is the oldest divergent lineage in the bandrumped complex The Cape Verde storm petrel Hydrobates jabejabe is an oceangoing bird found in the Atlantic Ocean especially around the islands of Cape VerdeIt was at one time considered to be a subspecies of the bandrumped storm petrel but is now considered to be a separate species by the International Ornithological Congress and other authorities 3 4 5They breed much of year but most nest in Click here for more information about the Red List categories and criteria Justification of Red List category Although this species may have a restricted range it is not believed to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion Extent of Occurrence 20000 km 2 combined with a declining or fluctuating range size habitat extentquality or population size and a small Taxonomic note Hydrobates castro del Hoyo and Collar 2014 has been split into H castro and H jabejabe Handbook of the Birds of the World and BirdLife International 2018 Wallace et al 2017 provides molecular support for the acceptance of the population of Bandrumped Stormpetrel Hydrobates castro jabejabe on the Cape Verdes as a full species as indicated by at least two previous H jabejabe is primarily at risk from invasive species Cats rats and potentially mice are thought to have caused rapid declines in the population upon their introduction to Cape Verde M Lecoq in litt and continue to restrict large colonies to only those areas inaccessible to the invasives M Lecoq in litt 123 wings of Cape Verde Stormpetrel were found in a potential breeding Cape Verde StormPetrel birdfindinginfo jabejabe pjr adalah Descriptor Barboza du Bocage 1875 Biometrics Size cm Wingspan Weight Geographic range Identification Cape Verde Storm Petrel Hydrobates jabejabe is a species of bird in the Hydrobatidae family Subspecific information monotypic species Foreign names Océanite du CapVert Cape Verde Stormpetrel Hydrobates jabejabe Text BirdLife Cape Verde Stormpetrel Hydrobates jabejabe Details BirdLife Media jabejabe Berjejaring Fakta Independen Terpercaya Cape Verde Stormpetrel Hydrobates jabejabe Summary BirdLife Cape Verde Storm Petrel Hydrobates jabejabe Oiseauxnet Cape Verde storm petrel Facts Diet Habitat Pictures on Animalia Cape Verde StormPetrel Hydrobates jabejabe Birds of the World The Cape Verde storm petrel Hydrobates jabejabe is an oceangoing bird found in the Atlantic Ocean especially around the islands of Cape Verde It was at one time considered to be a subspecies of the bandrumped storm petrel but is now considered to be a separate species by the International Ornithological Congress and other authorities jabejabe Video Video Tak Yakin Ade Jalan Istri Khairil Anwar Dukung AanAli Reza Mahendra di Pilkada Beltim 2024 24092024 Harga Mobil Listrik Wuling Cloud EV dan Wuling Air EV serta Fitur Unggulannya 30012024 Yamaha Fazzio Motor Stylish dengan Tangki Besar dan Bagasi Luas 18102023 HP Nokia N73 5G 2023 Hydrobates jabejabe Bocage 1875 PROTONYM Thalassidroma jabejabe Bocage 1875 Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas Physicas e Naturaes Publicado sob os Auspicios da Academia Real das Sciencas de Lisboa 6 p 120 TYPE LOCALITY Razo Cape Verde Islands SOURCE Avibase 2024 Definitions HYDROBATES Systematics Cape Verde StormPetrel Hydrobates jabejabe Birds of A member of the Northern StormPetrel family Hydrobatidae see 37 Nunn G B and S E Stanley 1998 Body size effects and rates of cytochrome b evolution in tubenosed seabirds Molecular Biology and Evolution 151013601371 Close and previously sometimes thought to form a superspecies with Leachs StormPetrel Hydrobates leucorhous 38 Mayr E and L L Short 1970 Cape kode icd 10 burst abdomen Verde storm petrel Wikipedia

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