jakarra - Jakarra Character WorldofBlackHeroes

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jakarra - Born the son of the Wakandan romindo king TChaka and spy Mateena Jakarra was raised abroadSome time following the death of TChaka Jakarra travelled to Wakanda to demand his birthright Wakandas regent and Jakarras uncle SYan was mistrustful of him so he gave Jakarra his inheritance on the condition he didnt meddle in the countrys affairs However Jakarra didnt keep his word The History of the Black Panther 19771978 Marvel Black Panthers Brother Was Tragically Mutated By Vibranium Screen Rant Born the son of the late Wakandan king TChaka and halfbrother to the Black Panther TChalla Jakarra joined the Wakanda military ultimately earning the rank of General Embittered at his halfbrother Jakarra took measures to overthrow the king of Wakanda He deliberately exposed himself to Vibranium knowing that in some cases Vibranium exposure yielded fantastic mutagenic properties Jakarra is a human mutate and a former Wakandan general who became a terrorist and tried to overthrow his halfbrother TChalla the Black Panther He has a monstrous form with a flamethrower and sonic vibration powers and was defeated by TChalla and Storm in Kenya Black Panther 1977 6 Marvelcom Jakarra Black Panther halfbrotherfoe Another comic book deepcut Jakarra debuted in Black Panther 6 back in 1977 A child that King TChaka had with another woman Jakarra tries claiming his supposed birthright by exposing himself to raw Vibranium mutating himself into a monstrous creature He died four issues later but Rise of the Black Panther condenses things in the retelling Published March 10 1978 Writer Jack Kirby Penciller Jack Kirby TChallas returning to Wakanda and the timing couldnt be better Mutinous halfbrother Jakarra has been mutated by Vibraniumand his coup perfitri for the throne is gaining fast momentum Back in his home country the Panthers top general Jakarra exposed himself to raw vibranium in BLACK PANTHER 8 causing incredible mutation The Wakandan royal family engaged the transformed military man in BLACK PANTHER 9 but it took a returned Black Panther in BLACK PANTHER 10 to put Jakarra and his coup down for good Jakarra Character WorldofBlackHeroes Jakarra was a Wakandan who injected himself with Vibranium and became a monstrous enemy of Black Panther Learn how this classic comic story introduced the concept of Vibranium mutations and their implications for Wakanda Jakarra claims to be the son of an unnamed wife of Tchaka sometime after the death of Nyami but before Ramonda He was a sickly and diminutive child making him unfit to be king He was shipped off to foreign military camps for training and finally returned as a man where he would be made general of Wakandas army while Tchalla ruled Jakarra Earth616 Marvel Database Jakarra Earth616 Hey Kids Comics Wiki Fandom Black Panthers Secret Brother Returns in Prequel Comic Screen Rant Black Panther 1977 8 Marvelcom Jakarra is a character from the Marvel Comics universe who tried to overthrow TChalla and become the Black Panther He was transformed into a monstrous creature by raw Vibranium and fought TChalla and his family In Wakanda General Jakarra stages a mutiny against TChalla the Black Pantherand Jakarras halfbrother Print Issue In Stores Now Zip Code Find A Store Digital Issue Read online or on your iPhone iPad or Android Device Members get unlimited access to this issue and over 30000 others Learn More habis baterai Jakarra Character Comic Vine

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