kamerun - Kamerun Vikipedi

Brand: kamerun

kamerun - Cameroon Travel guide at Wikivoyage Initially hairlight their major dealings were with African traders but direct trade with the interior promised greater profits and colonial power was used to break the African monopoly Plantation agriculture was another major German economic activity Large estates were established in southwestern Kamerun to provide tropical produce for Germany Kamerun ya da resmî adı ile Kamerun Cumhuriyeti Afrika kıtasının ortabatı bölümünde yer alan bir ülkedir Ülkenin sınır komşularını kuzeyden saat yönünde ilerlendiğinde Nijerya Çad Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti Kongo Cumhuriyeti Gabon Ekvator Ginesi ve 402 kmlik sahil şeridi ile Atlas Okyanusu oluşturmaktadır Cameroon Wikipedia Jul 28 2023 With the defeat of Germany in World War I Kamerun became a League of Nations mandate territory and was split into French Cameroun and British Cameroons in 1919 The French carefully integrated the economy of Cameroun with that of France and improved the infrastructure with capital investments skilled workers and continued forced labour Cameroon Culture History Language Maps Capital Kamerun Wikipedie Mar 9 2023 1884 Cameroon becomes the German colony of Kamerun 1911 Under the Treaty of Fez signed to settle the Agadir Crisis FrancoGerman conflict over Morocco France cedes territories to the east Kamerun was an African colony of the German Empire from 1884 to 1920 in the region of todays Republic of Cameroon Kamerun also included northern parts of Gabon and the Congo with western parts of the Central African Republic southwestern parts of Chad and far northeastern parts of Nigeria Kamerun Wikipedija History of Cameroon Wikipedia Cameroon Wikiwand Cameroon Wikitravel Kamerun was an African colony of the German Empire from 1884 to 1920 in the region of todays Republic of Cameroon Kamerun also included northern parts of Gabon and the Congo with western parts of the Central African Republic southwestern parts of Chad and far northeastern parts of Nigeria Kamerun Wikiwand 5 days ago Until the late 19th century English usage confined the term the Cameroons to the mountains while the estuary was called the Cameroons River or locally the Bay In 1884 the Germans extended the word Kamerun to their entire protectorate which largely corresponded to the present state Kamerun Vikipedi Kamerun Vikipeedia Kamerun leži v Ekvatorialni Afriki Razteza se od Gvinejskega zaliva na JZ do Čadskega jezera na SV Ob Gvinejskem zalivu je široka obalna ravnina ki se proti notranjosti dvigne v ravnike Spodnjegvinejskega praga na zahodu pa se nad njo dviga delujoč ognjenik Kamerunska Gora Mont Cameroun 4095 zadnji izbruh 1982 Jan 2 2025 Visit the Definitions and Notes page to view a description of each topic Cameroon sits on the Atlantic coast where Western and Central Africa meet It was named by Portuguese explorers for the Rio dos Camarões River carimun of Prawns Cameroons geography includes the Mandara Mountains in the northwest coastal plains a densely forested plateau and savanna plains Kamerún Wikipedia frjálsa alfræðiritið Cameroon became a German colony in 1884 known as Kamerun After World War I it was divided between France and the United Kingdom as League of Nations mandates France took 45 and the United Kingdom 15 of the territory and both ruled it under mandate until independence in 1960 and 1961 respectively 11 Kamerun se dijeli na četiri zemljopisne cjeline na zapadu uz nigerijsku granicu pruža se gorje Kamerun s istoimenim najvišim vrhom 4095 m ujedno i najvišom planinom ovog dijela Afrike na jugu se nalazi obalna nizina koja prema unutrašnjosti prelazi u pošumljenu visoravan čija visina ne prelazi 1000 m u središnjem dijelu zemlje reljef se postupno uzdiže do visoravni Adamaoua Cameroon Commonwealth Fúlanar stofnuðu Adamawaemíratið í norðurhluta landsins á 19 öld og ýmis þjóðarbrot stofnuðu öflug ættbálkaveldi í vestri og norðvestri Árið 1884 varð landið þýska nýlendan Kamerun Eftir ósigur Þýskalands í Fyrri heimsstyrjöld var landinu skipt milli Breta og Frakka From 1884 Cameroon was a German colony German Kamerun with its borders drawn through negotiations between the Germans British and French After the First World War the League of Nations mandated France to administer most of the territory with the United Kingdom administering a small portion in the west Cameroon The World Factbook Cameroon became a German colony in 1884 known as KamerunAfter World War I it was divided between France and the United Kingdom as League of Nations mandatesFrance took 45 and the United Kingdom 15 of the territory and both ruled it under mandate until independence in 1960 and 1961 respectively 11 Cameroon The World Factbook Kamerun Wikipedija prosta enciklopedija Kamerun on riik Aafrika keskosa läänes Guinea lahe ääres Kamerun piirneb Nigeeriaga loodes Tšaadi ja KeskAafrika Vabariigiga idas ning Kongo Vabariigi Gaboni ja EkvatoriaalGuineaga lõunas Dec 14 2021 former Kamerun French Cameroon British Cameroon Federal Republic of Cameroon United Republic of Cameroon etymology in the 15th century Portuguese explorers named the area near the mouth of the Wouri River the Rio dos Camaroes River of Prawns after the abundant shrimp in the water over time the designation became Cameroon in English Kamerun plným názvem Kamerunská republika je prezidentská republika v rovníkové Africe Leží u Guinejského zálivu mezi Nigérií Čadem Středoafrickou republikou Republikou Kongo Gabonem a Rovníkovou Guineou History of Cameroon Events People Dates Maps Facts Kamerun Wikipedia Cameroon country profile BBC News Cameroon French Cameroun is a country in Central AfricaKnown as Africa in miniature the country is known for its geological linguistic artistic and cultural diversity some 250 languages are spoken kakatu in this midsized country

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