kapalo - Katelynn Kate A Kapalo Google Scholar

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kapalo - Katelyn Kapalo PhD Assistant Professor University nr200p of Nebraska at Omaha NONCOMPETITIVE DIVISION Enhancing Community Risk Reduction CRR Efforts Leveraging TechnologyMediated SelfReporting Tools for Emergency Preparedness Due to rapid advances in technology particularly locationbased services Human Factors Expert Partners With First Responders To Improve ANV González K Kapalo S Koh R Sottilare P Garrity J LaViola IEEE VR 2019 41 2019 Similarity complementarity and agency in HRI Theoretical issues in shifting the perception of robots from tools to teammates SF Warta KA Kapalo A Best SM Fiore The road so far NIST postdoctoral associate Kate Kapalo followed an unconventional path into research for public safety but the experiences fuel her projects today Trace her steps with us Part I Getting Psychological PSCR Staff Spotlight Human and Tech Connections with Kate Kapalo My name is Dr Kate Kapalo Im a researcher educator and consultant I design and evaluate technology to better support firefighters and emergency medical services EMS I have specialized expertise in emerging technologies like mixed reality ARVRXR and simulationbased training I recently became an EMT Resume Spotlight Kate Kapalos Journey Into Virtual Reality for Public Safety Home Mysite AI Predicting Risk of Cardiac Arrest in Firefighters WFCA Katelynn A Kapalo supports the Public Safety Communications Research Division PSCR at the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST as the lead user experience UX researcher Katelynn A Kapalo Kevin Pfeil Joseph Bonnell Joseph Laviola Katelynn A Kapalo Stephen Martin Fiore Using research in social cognition as a foundation the present study examined the degree to kode dolar singapura which mental state attributions are influenced by rapid versus Katelynn Kate A Kapalo Google Scholar Kapalo KA Pfeil K Bonnell J Laviola J 2022 Comparing Firefighters Perceived Workload Using 2D vs 3D Building Plans to Support Emergency Response Preplanning in a Simulated Fire Scenario in Proceedings 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct ISMARAdjunct 2022 Proceedings 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct PDF 3D User Interfaces for Public Safety Addressing Fidelity in Virtual Katelynn KAPALO Contract InstructorExecutive Fire Officer Program Kapalos expertise lies at the intersection of human and technology interactions Working in her field Dr Kapalo is often one of the only female contributors on her team As a firstgeneration college student and innovator in her field Dr Kapalo serves as an incredible advocate and support system for students and women pursuing careers in PDF Katelyn Kapalo PhD iaemorg Kapalo is building on these existing ideas and testing the next evolution of first responder technology particularly in the arena of preincident planning Fire commanders create these tactical plans ad hoc on the scene based on available resources and safety Minutes matter though and having access to floorplans and hazard data collected An important aspect Dr Kapalo mentioned is involving subject matter experts like Chief Horton and Chief Buchanan They have practical experience in the field and can provide valuable insights By including them in the decisionmaking process we can ensure that the technologies chosen are relevant and effective for the unique binatangnya melata togel needs of the fire

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