ketungau - Ketungau Hilir Sintang Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas

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ketungau - The Potential of Ketungau and Silat slot bintang138 online Shales in Ketungau and Melawi Abstract The Melawi and the Ketungau Basins of West Kalimantan are located south and north respectively of Cretaceous melange Semitau subduction complex which formed a structural high throughout most of Tertiary times The southern boundary of the Melawi Basin is an unconformity between early Tertiary arkose of variable thickness and intermediate to acid Mesozoic plutonic and volcanic rocks Ketungau Hilir Sintang Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas Both the Ketungau and Silat shales occur within synclinal structures which have a poor trapping mechanism for conventional oil or gas targets but are suitable for oil shale and shale gas exploration This early stage of research clearly shows good potential for the future development of unconventional energy within the Ketungau and Melawi Basins The Potential of Ketungau and Silat Shales in Ketungau and Neliti The Melawi and Ketungau Basins are located in West Kalimantan Indonesia The Ketungau Basin developed between a Tertiary subduction complex Lubuk Antu Melange on the KalimantanSarawak border and the Semitau High to the south The basin is about 50 km wide 150 km long and it continues eastward into the Mandai Basin The Semitau High is a linear structural zone comprising submarine slope The Ketungau shale which is the main source rock in the Ketungau Basin is dominated by type III immature and gas prone kerogen The Silat shale which is the main source rock in the Melawi Sedimentology of the Melawi and Kentungau Basins West Kalimantan Ketungau and Melawi Basins West Kalimantan Blogger Ketungau Hilir adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Sintang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat Indonesia Kecamatan Ketungau Hilir terdapat 24 desa Kecamatan Ketungau Hilir terdapat 24 desa Wilayah administratif Ketungau Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas Ketungau dapat mengacu pada beberapa hal java musikindo berikut Suku Ketungau Bahasa Ketungau Kecamatan Ketungau Hilir Sintang Kecamatan Ketungau Tengah Sintang Kecamatan Ketungau Hulu Sintang Halamanhalaman lainnya Halaman ini terakhir diubah pada 21 Oktober 2015 pukul 0509 Teks Late cretaceous to early tertiary structural elements of west East Ketungau Basin is one of frontier basins in Indonesia Some of these basins especially those in eastern Indonesia have been identiied to possess potential of oil and gas The existing publications of geological ieldworks and extensive exploration in the East Ketungau Basin are limited The detailed sedimentological PDF Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the East Ketungau Basin West Neliti The Ketungau and Melawi basins are separated from each other by a belt of deepwater rocks and a belt of melange Regional geological pattern of Kalimantan Preliminary exploration and assessment of the Ketungau and Melawi Basins were carried out during 1980s and 1990s by several oil companies The most recent assessment work is conducted by PDF The Potential of Ketungau and Silat Shales in Ketungau and Neliti The Ketungau and Melawi basins are separated from each other by a belt of deepwater rocks and a belt of melange Boyan Melange Williams et al 1984 On the northern margin the Ketungau Basin is also bounded by the Lubok Antu Melange Tan 1982 Preliminary exploration and assessment of the Ketungau and Melawi Basins were carried out during Tertiary Basins of West Kalimantan Associated Semantic Scholar The Ketungau Basin sequence is separated from the Melawi Basin by accretionary rocks and the Boyan Melange It is also an EW trending basin as is the Mandai Basin to the east The Tertiary sediments in the Mandai Basin are probably corre lates of the Ketungau Basin sequence The stratig raphy of the basin fill is shown in kode pos binangun blitar Fig 5 Column 5

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