kls - Jun 7 2024 Between episodes people gomess with KLS typically live normal lives with long periods of normal sleep patterns stable mood typical behavior and clear thinking People who have had KLS episodes may experience stress about activities missed during the episode such as needing to make up school or work or anxiety about when another episode may occur KLS episodes may continue to reoccur for a decade or longer with devastating effects on the adolescents life and family KLS robs children and young adults of big pieces of their lives one agonizing episode at a time The mean diagnostic delay for proper KleineLevin Syndrome KLS diagnosis is four years Dec 13 2023 KleineLevin syndrome also known as Sleeping Beauty syndrome or KLS is a rare disorder affecting up to five people per million in the world During episodes of KLS people can sleep more than 20 hours per day and display outofcharacter behaviors like mood changes and hypersexuality KleineLevin syndrome KLS is a rare condition that causes a person to sleep for long periods of time People diagnosed with KLS experience episodes where they sleep up to 20 hours per day and have changes to their behavior The direct cause is unknown but treatment for KLS addresses symptoms KLS usually resolves on its own over time KleineLevin Syndrome Symptoms Causes and Treatment KleineLevin Syndrome Sleep Foundation KleineLevin syndrome KLS is a rare neurological disorder characterized by persistent episodic hypersomnia accompanied by cognitive and behavioral changes These changes may include disinhibition failure to inhibit actions or words sometimes manifested through hypersexuality hyperphagia or emotional lability and other symptoms such as derealization Jul 19 2024 KleineLevin syndrome is a rare disorder that primarily affects teenage males Symptoms include repeated but reversible periods of excessive sleep up to 20 hours per day Kleinelevin syndrome About the Disease GARD KleineLevin Syndrome KLS Center for Narcolepsy KleineLevin Syndrome Symptoms Diagnosis Causes Buoy KLS Foundation One in a Million People Worldwide live with KLS KLS Medical publications Most published articles on KLS in the medical and scientific literature are reports of one or two KLS cases by an attending physician While helpful in confirming and sometimes reporting new observations these case reports usually do not significantly contribute to a better understanding of KLS KleineLevin Syndrome Symptoms Causes and More Healthline KleineLevin syndrome KLS is a rare sleep disorder mainly affecting teenage boys in which the main features are intermittent hypersomnolence behavioral and cognitive disturbances hyperphagia and in some cases hypersexuality Each episode is of KLS is a rare sleep disorder with recurrent episodes of hypersomnia behavioral disturbances and appetite changes Learn about the symptoms diagnosis and treatment of KLS from Stanford experts KleineLevin Syndrome Symptoms and Treatment KleineLevin Syndrome polyporus KLS often described as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome is a rare and complex neurological disorder characterized by recurring periods of excessive sleep altered behaviour and a diminished understanding of the world KleineLevin syndrome Wikipedia Apr 12 2024 KLS patients experience recurring periods of excessive sleep altered behavior cognitive difficulties or changes in perception The episodes come on abruptly and equally swiftly end leaving individuals in a normal state in between these periods Understanding KLS is essential as it can significantly impact a persons quality of life KleineLevin Syndrome Diagnosis Stanford Health Care KleineLevin Syndrome Symptoms Causes and Care Utahs 1 source for News Sports Weather Cars Classifieds and more KleineLevin syndrome KLS is a rare neurological disorder of unknown origin characterised by relapsingremitting episodes of hypersomnia in association with cognitive and behavioural disturbances Read More What is Kleine Levin Syndrome KLS Foundation KleineLevin Syndrome KLS is a rare disorder of hypersomnolence People with KLS experience episodes of excessive sleepiness sometimes sleeping up to 20 hours a day that last for days or weeks with normal sleep and wake patterns in between KleineLevin Syndrome National Institute of Neurological Diagnosing KleineLevin Syndrome Diagnosing KLS is admittedly a challenge but can be a relief for a family in search of answers Because its primary symptom hypersomnia is common to a number of disorders the process by which we diagnose KLS is one of exclusion ruling out other conditions that share symptoms KleineLevin Syndrome Sleeping Beauty Syndrome Sleepopolis Feb 20 2024 KleineLevin Syndrome KLS is a rare sleep disorder usually seen in teenage boys with that demographic representing 70 of all people affected It is most recognizable through repeat episodes KleineLevin Syndrome Symptoms Causes Treatment NORD Apr 6 2007 Kesler A et al Kleine Levin syndrome KLS in young females Sleep 20001556337 Fontenelle L et al Neuropsychological sequelae in KleineLevin syndrome case report Arq Neurosiquiatr 20005853134 Masi G et al The KleineLevin syndrome as a neuropsychiatric disorder a case report Psychiatry 20006393100 KleineLevin Syndrome Symptoms Causes Outlook KleineLevin Syndrome KLS Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Utah News Sports Weather Cars and Classifieds KSL News KleineLevin syndrome Etiology diagnosis and treatment Nov 14 2018 KLS is a rare disorder that causes excessive sleepiness and other symptoms Learn about the diagnosis treatment and outlook of this condition that affects mostly teenage boys What is Kleine Levin Syndrome KLS WebMD Nov 16 2023 KLS is a sleep disorder that primarily affects teenagers Boys are four times more likely to have the disorder than girls Eightyone percent of reported cases start in the second decade of life People with KLS rarely experience their first episode after age 30 Genetics may also play a factor Around 5 of cases of xu zhibin KLS occur within families
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