kode warna biru navy - Pantone PMS 193832 TCX Navy Blue 403f6f Kode Warna Hex

kode warna biru navy - Find the hex color codes of glucovance navy blue in different lightness brightness and saturation levels See also the names of navy blue colors and how to use them in web design Navy Color HEX 000080 HTML Color Codes Navy Blue HEX 000080 RGB 0 0 128 CMYK 100 100 0 50 HSL 240 100 25 Color space conversion Color names CSS notation Tints shades and tones Color harmonies Navy blue 000080 Hex Code Shades and Complementary Colors Navy blue is quite the versatile color pairing wonderfully with different shades and tints of greens oranges reds yellows and even purples The navy blue hex code is 000080 Because of its roots the color is easily associated with the military However navy blue is just as easily reminiscent of the deep blue ocean and space Navy Navy blue Caparol 2360 000080 Hex Color Code Pantone PMS 193832 TCX Navy Blue 403f6f Kode Warna Hex There are plenty of shades of navy which all contain their own unique color attributes A few examples of named color codes that could be considered a shade of navy are navy blue royal blue traditional international klein blue midnight blue and smalt Navy Color Chart HTML Color Codes Navy Blue Color Codes and Facts HTML Color Codes Navy Navy blue Caparol 2360 000080 Hex Color Code The color navy Navy blue with hexadecimal color code 000080 is a medium dark shade of bluemagenta In the RGB color model 000080 is composed of 00 red 00 green and 502 blue In the HSL color space 000080 has a hue of 240 degrees 100 saturation and 25 lightness Learn how to create navy blue in different graphic design systems and find out its shades variations and complementary colors Navy blue is a dark shade of blue that represents the color of the ocean and sailors uniforms Warna Acak Pantone PMS 193832 TCX Navy Blue 403f6f Kode Warna Hex Kode warna heksadesimal 403f6f adalah gelap sedang bayangan dari biru magenta Dalam model warna RGB 403f6f terdiri dari 251 merah 2471 hijau dan 4353 biru Di ruang warna HSL 403f6f memiliki hue 241 derajat 28 saturasi dan 34 penerangan If the project youre working on requires percentage representation navy blue is made of 0 red 0 green and 50 blue If youre identifying color for a print project youre most likely using a CMYK colorspacethe percentages are 100 cyan 100 magenta 0 yellow 50 black Chrysler Navy Blue 19284c Kode Warna Hex Encycolorpedia Find out the hex rgb hsl and hsv values of navy color as well as its name and lighter and darker shades See examples of navy color in HTML and compare it with other blue colors 10 Padanan Warna Navy Blue 000080 Padananwarna Nov 17 2024 Warna Navy Blue yang dipakai oleh pegawai Tentera Laut Diraja berbeza dengan biru putih laut kemudiannya diadaptasi oleh tentera laut lain di seluruh dunia Warna ini diambil dari warna biasa seragam kelautan dan paint png kini warna Navy Blue menjadi lazim dalam seragam sekolah jenama palet warna reka bentuk dan sebagainya Warna navy blue juga Guide to the Color Navy Blue PicMonkey Navy Color Codes Navy Biru dongker Caparol 2360 000080 Kode Warna Hex Warna navy Biru dongker dengan kode warna heksadesimal 000080 adalah gelap sedang bayangan dari biru magenta Dalam model warna RGB 000080 terdiri dari 00 merah 00 hijau dan 502 biru Di ruang warna HSL 000080 memiliki hue 240 derajat 100 saturasi dan 25 penerangan Navy Blue RGB CMYK HEX Color Codes and Color Meaning Navy Blue Color Hex RGB CMYK Pantone US Brand Colors Everything about the color Navy Blue Canva Navy RGB Color Code 000080 All About Color Navy blue 000080 Navy blue got its name from the dark blue contrasted with white worn by officers in the British Royal Navy since 1748 and subsequently adopted by other navies around the world Navy blue 000080 hex color ColorHexa Navy blue is a very dark shade of blue with the hex code 000080 originating from the use of indigo dye This shade of blue became associated with the navy after the British Royal Navy first used it on uniforms in the mid1700s The hexadecimal RGB code of Navy color is 000080 This code is composed of a hexadecimal 00 red 0256 a 00 green 0256 and a 80 blue component 128256 Navy Biru dongker Caparol 2360 000080 Kode Warna Hex 000080 Navy blue Color Code Names Harmonies ColorAbout Learn about the color hex code 000080 also known as navy blue in RGB CMYK HSL HSV and other color spaces See how it looks as text background border and in color schemes shades tints and tones Warna Acak Chrysler Navy Blue 19284c Kode Warna Hex Kode warna heksadesimal 19284c adalah gelap bayangan dari biru Dalam model warna RGB 19284c terdiri dari 98 merah 1569 hijau dan 298 biru Di ruang warna HSL 19284c memiliki hue 222 derajat 50 saturasi dan 20 penerangan Warna ini memiliki panjang gelombang sekitar 472 Navy Blue vs Royal Blue If you compare the two colors youll see that navy blue is a darker shade while royal blue is a lighter and more saturated form of blue Colors Similar To Navy Blue While navy blue is a classic color there are some shades of blue which resemble it Here are a few examples of colors that are close to navy blue Dark In 1748 when the British Royal Navy adopted dark blue uniforms Mary blue turned into navy blue Throughout history it became associated with the police and military forces Not coincidentally the UN peacekeeping troops are called blue helmets The navy blue hex code is 000080 Navy 000080 Hex Color Shades Complementary Colors Navy Blue Color Codes The Hex RGB and CMYK Values That You Discover the Navy hex color 000080 Explore complementary colors tints shades and create a sophisticated palette that itsar inspires confidence and calm

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