kode warna fuchsia - About Fuchsia Color and Meaning Fuchsia peta mesir is a purplish red or purplish pink color In the RGB color model the Fuchsia is the same as the color Magenta having the hex color code of FF00FF It is made up of equal amounts of Red and Blue light In CMYK color space Magenta also called process or pigment Magenta is more reddish compared to Fuchsia Fuchsia Magenta ff00ff f0f Kode Warna Hex About Fuchsia Color meaning codes similar colors and What is Fuchsia Color Fuchsia has the hex code FF00FF The equivalent RGB values are 255 0 255 which means it is composed of 50 red 0 green and 50 blue The CMYK color codes used in printers are C0 M100 Y0 K0 In the HSVHSB scale Fuchsia has a hue of 300 100 saturation and a brightness value of 100 Fuchsia HEX ff00ff RGB 255 0 255 CMYK 0 100 0 0 HSL 300 100 50 Color space conversion Color names CSS notation Tints shades and tones Color harmonies Fuchsia Color ArtyClick Fuchsia Color Hex Code Palettes Meaning Figma Discover 25 stunning shades of fuchsia with their exact HEX codes From deep magenta to light pinkpurple hues find the perfect fuchsia color for your design projects Color Fuchsia Hex Code FF00FF RGB 255 0 255 ff00ff Fuchsia Hex Code with Color Pallets HTML Color Names FF00FF FF00FF FF00FF FF00FF FF00FF 255 0 255 Fuchsia RGB Color Code FF00FF The hexadecimal RGB code of Fuchsia color is FF00FF This code is composed of a hexadecimal FF red 255256 a 00 green 0256 and a FF blue component 255256 The decimal RGB color code is rgb2550255 Closest WebSafe color Fuchsia FF00FF G Search on Google Fuchsia is a vibrant purplish red color named after the flower of its namesake plant The first recorded use for this shade was in French botany books during 16th century when it became popularized by Leonhart Fucsher who discovered it and his German counterpart Hieronymus Fabricius von Hanover Fuchsia Color Codes and Facts HTML Color Codes The RGB Values and Percentages for Fuchsia Each system has a different value or percentage of colors that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum and the same can be said for fuchsia In the RGB red green blue system the fuchsia color percentage is comprised of fuchsia in the RGB system is 2172125 Mar 5 2024 Fuchsia is a rich vibrant color just like magenta with just a large amount of pink in it It looks fresh and bright perfect for adding an energizing touch to any room Fuchsia Fuchsia HEX FF00FF RGB 255 0 255 RGB percentage 100 0 100 CMYK 0 100 0 0 HSL 300 100 50 Different Shades of Fuchsia Here are all the shades of In the 70s when coloring your hair was still fairly uncommon pairing a visually aggressive spiked hair with fuchsia broke conventional beauty standards Along with dusty roze bubblegum and other shades of pink striking fuchsia became a statement color And with Madonna going fuchsia this trend looks set to carry on The fuchsia hex Fuchsia color Hex FF00FF Converting Colors 50 idola cilik Shades of Fuchsia Color Names HEX RGB CMYK Codes Fuchsia Color HEX EF2B7C Meaning and Live Previews Fuchsia RGB Color Code FF00FF Fuchsia Color Guide Color Combination Hex Codes OFFEO Everything about the color Fuchsia Canva Hex Color and RGB Code for Fuchsia with Hex Code FF00FF and RGB code 255 0 255 Fuchsia Color Codes colorcodesio Fuchsia color hex code is FF00FF ColorNamecom Shades of Fuchsia 30 Fuchsia Colors with HEX Codes Fuchsia Magenta ff00ff f0f Hex Color Code Fuchsia is a reddishpurple color with the hex code FF00FF sharing its place with magenta in the RGB color model In print however the floralnamed fuchsia is slightly more purple than its magenta doppelganger Ruang Warna Warna Acak Fuchsia Magenta ff00ff f0f Kode Warna Hex Warna fuchsia magenta dengan kode warna heksadesimal ff00ff f0f adalah bayangan dari magenta Dalam model warna RGB ff00ff terdiri dari 1000 merah 00 hijau dan 1000 biru Di ruang warna HSL ff00ff memiliki hue 300 derajat 100 saturasi dan 50 In color psychology fuchsia is believed to inspire assurance and assertiveness How to use fuchsia Fuchsia is an eyecatching color that commands attention You could use a splash of fuchsia alongside black or white to make a design pop or employ it in any situation where you wish to communicate a fun playful femininity The first use of the word fuchsia as a color in English was in 1892 The color is now dominant in beauty and fashion industry and it is often seen as more mature than other shades of pink And in 2001 a slightly dark muted tone of fuchsia called fuchsia rose was nominated by Pantone to become the color of the year Fuchsia RGB CMYK HEX Color Codes and Color Meaning The Hex color FF00FF is a light color and the websafe version is hex FF00FF and the color name is fuchsia The color can be described as light saturated magenta A complement of this color would be 00FF00 and the grayscale version is 696969 A 20 lighter version of the original color is FF6AFF and C100C5 is the 20 darker color ff00ff Fuchsia Color Code Names Harmonies ColorAbout Fuchsia Magenta ff00ff f0f Hex Color Code The color fuchsia magenta with hexadecimal color code ff00ff f0f is a shade of magenta In the RGB color model ff00ff is composed of 1000 red 00 green and 1000 blue In the HSL color space ff00ff has a hue of 300 degrees 100 saturation and 50 lightness HTML Color Name Fuchsia Hex Color Code ff00ff RGB Decimal rgb255 0 255 Fuchsia is a color associated with boldness confidence and enthusiasm for life Its bright and vivid shade is often linked to creativity uniqueness and nonconformity In color psychology fuchsia is considered to be a stimulant that encourages a sense of confidence and forward thinking Fuchsia has 305 Hue 90 Saturation and 49 Lightness in the HSL Hue Saturation Lightness color space which is a different way to express digital colors Fuchsia has 0 cyan 95 magenta 8 yellow and 7 black in the CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow Black color space which is biolite used for color printing