kode warna merah maroon - Maroon 800000 Hex Color Code RGB id6885 and Paints Encycolorpedia Learn about maroon a dark reddishbrown color with the hex code 800000 and how to use it in web design Find out the origin of the name the RGB values and the color picker tool 800000 800000 800000 800000 800000 128 0 0 Maroon HTMLCSS RGB Color Code 800000 The hexadecimal RGB code of Maroon HTMLCSS color is 800000This code is composed of a hexadecimal 80 red 128256 a 00 green 0256 and a 00 blue component 0256 The decimal RGB color code is rgb12800Closest WebSafe color OU Crimson Red 990000 G Search on Google Maroon Color Code is 800000 Maroon HTMLCSS RGB Color Code Rectangle Palette Rectangle color harmony is a color scheme based on the rectangular shape It is made up of four colors two complementary colors Maroon 800000 and Teal 008080 a splitcomplementary color Heart Gold 808000 and an analogous color Navy Blue 000080 This type of color scheme is often used in web design and advertising Learn about the color maroon with hexadecimal code 800000 which is a medium dark shade of red Find out its RGB values HSL values wavelength color variations related named colors color schemes and exact matching and similar paints Maroon Color HEX 800000 HTML Color Codes Maroon 800000 hex color ColorHexa Maroon Color 800000 Hex Color Conversion Color Schemes Color Kode warna merah marun warna merah marun RGB RT Maroon Merah marun 800000 Kode Warna Hex Encycolorpedia Learn how to use the maroon color code 800000 in HTML and CSS and see examples of lighter and darker shades of stockbit login maroon Find out the RGB HSL and HSV values of maroon and similar colors Kode warna RGB Maroon Bagan warna merah marun Kode warna RGB Maroon Kode warna RGB Maroon 800000 128 65536 0 256 0 128 0 0 MERAH 128 HIJAU 0 BIRU 0 Bagan kode warna merah marun Warna Nama Warna HTML CSS Kode Hex RRGGBB Kode Desimal R G B merah tua 800000 rgb 12800 merah gelap 8B0000 Warna maroon Merah marun dengan kode warna heksadesimal 800000 adalah gelap sedang bayangan dari merah Dalam model warna RGB 800000 terdiri dari 502 merah 00 hijau dan 00 biru Di ruang warna HSL 800000 memiliki hue 0 derajat 100 saturasi dan 25 penerangan Warna ini memiliki panjang gelombang sekitar 61137 nm Color Information Maroon Color 800000 The Hex color 800000 is defined as dark and the closet Websafe version is 990000 A complement of this color would be 007f80 perceived brightness of this color 38255 and the grayscale version is 262626 In a RGB color space hex is composed of 502 red 0 green and 0 blueWhereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 0 cyan 100 Learn about the dark red color 800000 also known as maroon in hexadecimal RGB CMYK HSL and other color spaces See color schemes alternatives previews shades tints tones and blindness simulator Maroon Color Codes and Facts HTML Color Codes Artikel ini menjelaskan apa itu warna merah maroon jenis warna merah gelap yang biasa digunakan untuk desain Anda bisa menemukan kode warna merah maroon dalam format RGB CMYK dan Canva di sini Kode angka mimpi kebakaran Warna Merah Maroon SobatTutorial