kruris - Tinea Cruris Background Pathophysiology Etiology Medscape sebangun Management of tinea corporis tinea cruris and tinea pedis A Affiliations 1 Mycotic Diseases Branch Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta Georgia 2 Department of Dermatology Weill Cornell Medicine New York New York 3 Mycotic Diseases Branch Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta Georgia Electronic address JGoldcdcgov PDF Tinea Cruris Jock Itch Millersville University of Pennsylvania Tinea Cruris Gejala penyebab dan mengobati Alodokter Tinea Cruris Jock Itch P 7178715250 F 7178715252 httpwwwmillersvilleeduhealthservices Follow MUHS on Twitter MUStay Well Tinea cruris is a dermatophytosis that is commonly caused by Trichophyton rubrum or T mentagrophytes The primary risk factors are associated with a moist environment ie warm weather wet and restrictive clothing obesity causing constant apposition of skinfolds Tinea cruris adalah infeksi jamur menular yang menyebabkan ruam merah dan rasa gatal di daerah selakangan Infeksi jamur ini umum ditemukan pada orang yang banyak berkeringat terutama pada pria Current epidemiology of tinea corporis and tinea cruris causative Tinea cruris DermNet Tinea Cruris PubMed Tinea Cruris StatPearls NCBI Bookshelf Who gets tinea cruris Tinea cruris affects both sexes with a male predominance 31 All ages can develop tinea cruris adolescents and adults more commonly than children and the elderly Tinea cruris can affect all races being particularly common in hot humid tropical climates Predisposing factors for tinea cruris include Tinea detiksepakbola cruris also known as jock itch is an infection involving the genital pubic perineal and perianal skin caused by pathogenic fungi known as dermatophytes These dermatophytes affect keratinized structures such as hair and the epidermis stratum corneum resulting in a characteristic rash In Tinea cruris a pruritic superficial fungal infection of the groin and adjacent skin is the second most common clinical presentation for dermatophytosis Tinea cruris is a common and important clinical problem that may at times be a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge Moriarty et al also emphasize upon the use of topical therapy in treating tinea corporis cruris and pedisThey also enlist the common reasons of failure of therapy namely poor adherence to treatment reinfection from close contact drug resistance misdiagnosis and infection with uncommon species Tinea Cruris Jock Itch Dermatologic Disorders MSD Manuals Diagnosis and Management of Tinea Infections AAFP Tinea cruris also known as jock itch is an infection involving the genital pubic perineal and perianal skin caused by pathogenic fungi known as dermatophytes12345 These dermatophytes affect keratinized structures such as hair and the epidermis stratum corneum resulting in a characteristic rash Intertriginous areas are hospitable environments for fungus with sweating Tinea infections are caused by dermatophytes and are classified by the involved site The most common infections in prepubertal children are tinea corporis and jumlah pemain sepak bola dalam satu tim adalah tinea capitis whereas adolescents
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