labia mayora - What Is the Purpose of the Labia MedicineNet

labia mayora - Labia Majora The labia majora or nasi tumpang the outer lips are skin folds on either side of the vaginal opening that have pubic hair from puberty onwards These fleshy folds of tissue protect the external genital organs and have sweat and oil glands that lubricate the vulva keeping it moist What exactly are the labia minora and labia majora First a quick lesson on your parts The vulva is the external genitalia not to be confused with the vagina which is the internal genitalia VulvaMons pubis Clitoris Labia Major Labia MinoraThe Female The labia majora are bilateral folds of skin and underlying fat extending backwards from the mons pubis They are homologous to the scrotum in males Posteriorly they merge into the perineum in front of the anus Their outer surface becomes covered with hair at puberty But the inner surface remains smooth moistened by the secretions from the External female genitalia Anatomy and blood supply Kenhub The labia are two folds of the skin that meet above the vaginal opening The inner fold inner lip of the vagina is known as labia minora and the outer fold outer lip of the vagina is known as labia majora The labia serve the purpose of covering and protecting the urinary openings vaginal openings and clitoris from external trauma The Labia Majora Anatomy and 3D Illustrations Innerbody Vulvar Anatomy Understanding the External Genitalia PDF The labia majora singular labium majus are a pair of thick folds of skin and adipose tissue found inferior to the mons The fissure between the folds is called the pudendal cleft Pubic hair can be found on the lateral surfaces of the labia majora once puberty occurs while the medialinternal surfaces will remain hairless What rumusa Is the Purpose of the Labia MedicineNet Labia majora Wikipedia Labia majora Female reproductive system Organ Systems Labia Wikipedia Lopsided Vagina 9 Different Labia Shapes Colors and Sizes Healthline The labia majora are two sagittal oriented skin folds containing adipose tissue that merge anteriorly and posteriorly The labia majora are located inferior to the mons pubis The joining site of both labia in the front is called the anterior commissure while posteriorly posterior commissure Between both labia majora is a space called the pudendal cleft also called the rima pudendi The labia majora have fewer superficial nerve endings than the rest of the vulva but the skin is highly vascularized 6 The internal surface of the labia minora is a thin moist skin with the appearance of a mucous membrane They contain many sebaceous glands and occasionally have eccrine sweat glands The left labia majora is 7999 mm just over 31 in long The right labia minora is 421 mm about 16 in long and 134 mm about 05 in wide Labia Minora and Labia Majora Whats Considered Normal SELF Labia majora is the Latin plural for big major lips The Latin term labiumlabia is used in anatomy for a number of usually paired parallel structures but in English it is mostly applied to two pairs of parts of the vulvalabia majora and labia minora The labia majora are homologous to the scrotum in males and develop from the same embryological tissue The labia majora are located in the pubic region on the surface of the body lateral to the labia minora clitoris and vagina They arise gradually from the skin of the pelvis and extend the mons pubis beyond the pelvic keberagaman ekonomi bones to the anus

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