lactrin - SatuSehat Product Detail

Brand: lactrin

lactrin - Lacritin is a 123 kDa glycoprotein mitra777 encoded in humans by the LACRT gene 3 4 Lacritins discovery emerged from a screen for factors that stimulate tear protein secretion4 5 Lacritin is a secreted protein found in tears and salivaLacritin also promotes tear secretion 4 6 the proliferation 4 and survival of epithelial cells 7 and corneal wound healing 8 Lacritin is thus a LacHydrin lactic acid is an emollient used to treat dry scaly skin conditions eg xerosis ichthyosis vulgaris and can also help relieve itching from these conditions LacHydrin is available in generic form Common side effects of LacHydrin include Lactrin Manfaat dan Efek Samping KlikDokter DKL1113316901A1 LACTRIN KAPSUL Kamus Farmalkes KFA IHS 93020060 Erdosteine 300 mg Kapsul Ingredients Name Display Name Dosage Erdosteine Erdosteine 300 mg Actual Medicinal Product POAK KFA Code PV Pack Type Lactrin adalah obat yang digunakan untuk mengobati gangguan saluran pernapasan akut dan kronis termasuk batuk pada penderita eksaserbasi akut bronkitis kronisObat Lactrin mengandung Erdosteine obat yang termasuk agen mukolitikBerikut ini adalah informasi lengkap obat Lactrin yang disertai tautan merkmerk obat lain dengan nama generik yang sama Informasi terlengkap tentang LACTRIN 300 MG 10 KAPSUL Komposisi Fungsi Kegunaan Ulasan Efek Samping Indikasi Aturan Pakai dan Dosis Login MENU close Beranda Artikel Obat Vitamin Tanya Dokter Rumah Sakit Janji Medis Aplikasi Riwayat Lactrin 300 mg 10 Kapsul search search Cari Lactrin 300 mg 10 Kapsul Halodoc Drugscom provides accurate and independent information on more than 24000 prescription drugs overthecounter medicines and natural products This material buah alkesa is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice diagnosis or treatment Data sources include Micromedex updated 2 Dec 2024 Cerner Multum updated 22 Dec 2024 ASHP updated 10 Dec 2024 and others Uses of Lactrin in details Lactrin is used to treat short and severe episodes of worsening of chronic bronchitis an inflammation of the airways that carry air to lungs It may also be used as an expectorant to expel mucus Lactrin description Lactrin 300 mg Capsule Each capsule contains 300 mg Lactrin Lacritin Wikipedia Lactrin generic Price of lactrin Uses Dosage Side effects ndrugs Lactrin Side effects Contraindications ndrugs Ammonium lactate side effects Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction hives difficult breathing swelling of your face lips tongue or throat LacHydrin may cause serious side effects Stop using LacHydrin and call your doctor at once if you have Erdosteine Drugscom SatuSehat Product Detail Administration of Lactrin could occasionally cause gastrointestinal sideeffect like gastric burning nausea and rarely diarrhea In few cases at the beginning of treatment ageusia or dysgeusia have been observed Hypersensitivity reactions skin rash urticaria unexpected hyperpyrexia are rare Lactrin Capsul 300mg Obat Apa HonestDocs LacHydrin Uses Side Effects Warnings Drugscom Lactrin adalah obat dalam bentuk kapsul dan sirup kering yang mengandung erdosteine untuk meredakan batuk berdahak akibat gangguan saluran pernapasan Lactrin memiliki efek samping kontraindikasi dan interaksi yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum penggunaan LacHydrin Lactic Acid Side equisetinae Effects Uses Dosage RxList

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