larap - made an inventory of assets on vstoreindo Substation bases for LARAP document and initial consultation for EMP perapartion By this initial consultation land owner convey his willingness to sell the land for Tembilahan Substation construction Amount of cash from this land acquisition will be used for expanding family business investment Camarines Norte to welcome SEZ Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan or LARAP means a site specific land acquisition and resettlement action plan to be developed by the Project Implementing Entity for each Subproject which involves Land Acquisition and Resettlement in accordance with the parameters laid down in the LARPF as hereinafter defined and the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan LARAP of Dam Annex 4 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework LARAP adalah rencana pengambilan tanah dan pengambilian warga yang terkena proyek pengendalian banjir di Jakarta LARAP ini menjelaskan latar belakang gambaran umum rencana kegiatan potensi dampak dan pelaksanaan proyek yang akan dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta LARAP is a policy framework for subprojects of the Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project DOISP AF in Indonesia that may involve smallscale land acquisition and resettlement It provides guidance on the principles process procedures and arrangements for preparing and implementing a Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan LARAP LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN LARAP Documents Reports All Documents The World Bank Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action for Waesano LARAP The World Bank LAND ACQUSITION AND RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN LARAP The Larap Integrated Development Project LIDP is a joint project between Penson and Company Inc and its partners Hanin Phenix Garuda and Tradetek for the Municipality of Jose Panganiban Province of Camarines Norte and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority PEZA with one goal and that is developing the area as the model community and the Jewel of Urban Development in the Bicol LAND ACQUSITION AND RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN LARAP The LARAP would also indicate the budget amount and source for the required compensation Bank funds cannot be used for compensation BMPAD shall seek the Banks approval of the LARAP and budget prior to the issuance of a noobjection Appendix 2 TOR for LARAP study conducted by LPPM UNPAD Appendix 3 Capacity Building For LARAP Appendix 4 Gender Strategy Appendix 5 Public Consultation strategy Appendix 6 TOR for LARAP Implementation Consultation Appendix 7 Access road alignment map Appendix 8 Consultation meeting attendance lists LARAP is a policy framework for land acquisition and resettlement for Indonesia Power Transmission Development Project II IPTD II a World Bankfinanced project It aims to comply with national laws and regulations and international best practice and to ensure that affected persons are left better or at least no worse off than before resettlement LAND ACQUSITION AND RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN LARAP World Bank LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK LARPF Jan 1 roran 2013 This research applies Analytical Hierarchical Process AHP to develop Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan LARAP of a dam project in Lombok Tengah District It compares two alternatives dam surrounding area and convenient area for resettlement based on economic sociocultural and environmental factors Tujuan dari Laporan Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan LARAP ini adalah untuk menjelaskan prinsipprinsip prosedurprosedur dan tata cara pengorganisasian yang akan diterapkan dalam pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah dan permukiman kembali yaitu a Menguraikan secara spesifik pilihan kompensasi yang akan diberikan kepada WTP b LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN Documents Reports All Documents The World Bank the LARAP for the period April 2009 to October 2009 The programmes of the LARAP are a multisectored and multilayered approach for managing the Projects impacts on Resettlement Affected Villages RAVs The LARAP addresses the requirements of the ADB policy on Involuntary Resettlement in relation to the involuntary resettlement aspects of PRELIMINARY LAND ACQUISITION AND LIVELIHOOD RESTORATION Jun 1 2017 LARAP stands for Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan for the relocation of informal settlers affected by the dredging of West Banjir Canal in Jakarta The document provides a detailed description of the project location affected people structures policies legal analysis implementation plan and monitoring and evaluation Dec 21 2023 This research presents a comprehensive analysis of the land acquisition and resettlement action plan LARAP for the Tukul Dam Project in Pacitan East Java Indonesia The study involves a survey Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan LARAP of LARAP stands for Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan a document that outlines the projects impacts entitlements and measures for affected people This LARAP is for the Waesano Geothermal Exploration Project in Manggarai Barat Regency Nusa Tenggara Timur Province Indonesia City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Boundaries These properties are maintained operated and owned by the City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Department LARAP Microsoft Word Operators LARAP 7th Report Dec 09 2doc Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan definition Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement Policy Homepage LARRP LARRP LARAP adalah akronim dari Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan yang menjelaskan rencana pengambilan tanah dan pengambilian warga yang terkena proyek LARAP ini dibuat untuk proyek JUFMP yang bertujuan untuk mengendalikan banjir di Jakarta 4 days ago Los Angeles Continuum of Care LA CoC Board Meeting Wednesday January 8 2025 100 PM LAHSA 637 Wilshire Boulevard 1st Floor Commission Room Los Angeles CA 90017 Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Boundaries 3 objective of the larap 16 4 census and survey of socioeconomic conditions of projectaffected parties 17 5 legal framework 18 6 institutional framework 21 61 assessment of institutional capacity 27 7 eligibility and the entitlements 28 8 assessment of loss compensation 30 9 community participation 30 10 my vla alternative review 32 11
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