lifer - LIFER definition and meaning Collins English tiket slot Dictionary Welcome to Liifer Liifer is the first online food delivery ordering platform built by gamers for gamers Founded by compulsive video game players cloud native developers and Informal a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment Click for English pronunciations examples sentences video lifer Wiktionary the free dictionary Lifer Definition Meaning MerriamWebster The meaning of LIFER is a person sentenced to imprisonment for life How to use lifer in a sentence a person sentenced to imprisonment for life a person who makes a career of one of the armed forces See the full definition Games Games Word of the Day Grammar Wordplay Rhymes Word Finder Thesaurus Join MWU Shop Books Lifer Wikipedia a prisoner serving a term of life imprisonment LIFER English meaning Cambridge Dictionary In the early years of EMS the term lifer was an entitlement pinned to anyone who had worked the road for ten years or longer with no real plans of seeking a replacement trade It was a term that was generally delivered in a respectful and lighthearted teasing manner by someone who by all definitions could have easily been described suipad as a lifer himselfwith the exception of one drawback Liifer food ordering for gamers LIFER definition in American English Collins English Dictionary LIFER meaning 1 someone who has been punished by being put in prison for a very long time or until they die 2 Learn more lifer These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins or its parent company HarperCollins We welcome feedback report an example sentence to the Collins team LIFER Definition Meaning Dictionarycom Lifer definition See examples of LIFER used in a sentence LIFER definition 1 someone who has been punished by being put in prison for a very long time or until they die 2 Learn more Lifer is a person sentenced to life imprisonment also a person who makes a career of one of the armed forces or another profession or a person who has made a lifelong commitment as to a way of life Lifer or Lifers may also refer to Music Lifer band an American rock band Lifer Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom LIFER definition in venomtoto the Cambridge English Dictionary
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