lokaal - At lokaal were passionate about getting komikinddo people moving and moving better Youll see a qualified physiotherapist with a focus on strength conditioning and a career in coaching If youre looking for private physiotherapy or PT sessions you can come to the Marrickville location or book an online appointment via Telehealth lokaal in English DutchEnglish Dictionary Glosbe lokaal translation in English DutchEnglish dictionary Reverso Online Exercise Classes and Physiotherapy Lokaal A Healthy Space Many translated example sentences containing lokaal EnglishDutch dictionary and search engine for English translations Schotland beschikt in zijn geheel over 462 verschillende programmas voor kustbeheer waarvan twee derde vanuit lokaal niveau opereert expandmore Scotland as a whole has 462 different coastal plans in place almost three quarters of them locally based Translation of lokaal into English local place room are the top translations of lokaal into English Sample translated sentence De lokale schoolcommissie zou over lijken gaan om dat boek te verbieden The local school board would go to any length to ban that book Detailed Translations for lokaal from Dutch to English lokaal lokaal adj lokaal hier en daar plaatselijk local here and there local adj here and there adv lokaal local In information processing an operation performed by the computer at hand rather than by a remote computer 1 Translations in context of lokaal in DutchEnglish from syair lagu lintang asmoro Reverso Context lokaal niveau op lokaal en regionaal niveau voor lokaal lokaal bestuur lokaal netwerk Translation Grammar Check Context Dictionary Vocabulary Vocabulary Documents Synonyms Conjugation Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate Een lokaal met 50 studenten kan afschrikwekkend zijn A classroom with 50 students can be daunting for anyone Achterin het lokaal schuilen niets zeggen Hiding in the back of the classroom not speaking up Translate lokaal from Dutch to English Interglot Translation Dictionary Lokaal is a shared coworking space for entrepreneurs freelancers and remoteworkers who want to belong to and work locally in a collaborative environment filled with other talented mindsAn integral part of the creative hub that works in this building Lokaal is a bright lightfilled place to get it done In response to the challenges of WFH brought about by COVID weve launched our Definition of lokaal in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of lokaal What does lokaal mean Information and translations of lokaal in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web lokaal Translation into English examples Dutch Reverso Context lokaal English translation Linguee This page was last edited on 2 January 2025 at 0254 Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike License additional Lokaal coworking lokaal Wiktionary the free dictionary What does lokaal mean Definitionsnet LOKAAL xxxxxv Translation in English babla
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