loxodon - Loxodon Race Guide 5e Abilities and History of the Elephant People

Brand: loxodon

loxodon - Learn about the Loxodon a humanoid nankang race with elephantlike features in Dungeons Dragons 5th edition Find out their abilities history alignment names classes and more Loxodon Race Guide 5e Abilities and History of the Elephant People Loxodon DD 5e Wiki Loxodon DND 5th Edition Loxodon GameLore Wiki Fandom Loxodon Serenity You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened Natural Armor You have thick leathery skin When you arent wearing armor your AC is 12 your Constitution modifier You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC A shields benefits Loxo Forgotten Realms Wiki Learn about the loxodon a rare elephant humanoid race in the Dungeons Dragons game Discover their history traits subraces and how to play them in different settings Loxo are large bluishgray creatures with two trunks and tusks living in the Shaar and other regions of Faerûn They have a peaceful and balanced culture and claim to have come from another world Loxodons are a subrace of elephantfolk that appear in the Magic The Gathering setting of Dominia They are confident unwavering and use magic and weapons to enforce their beliefs and justice Learn everything about loxodon a kaite race of bipedal elephant humanoids in this comprehensive guide Find out their history traits features subraces and how to play them in DD 5e Loxodon DnD 5e Race Guide RPGBOT Dungeons And Dragons 5e Ultimate Loxodon Guide The Ultimate Dungeons and Dragons Loxodon 5e Guide Learn about the Loxodon an elephantine humanoid race from Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica Find out how to optimize your Loxodon character for different classes and origins Loxodon 5e Abilities and History of the Elephant People DnD Races Loxodon Features Source Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1 Age Loxodons mature at the same rate as humans however they are considered mature by their people at 60 years old Their lifespan can be as long as 450 years Loxodon Variant 5e Race DD Wiki Learn about the Loxodon a humanoid elephant race from the world of Ravnica Find out their appearance culture abilities traits and how to build a strong and viable Loxodon character for DnD 5e Loxodons are calm and loyal creatures with elephantlike features and a trunk They are common in the Selesnya Conclave and other guilds of Ravnica a plane endore in the DD multiverse

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