mandiodo - In Mandiodo nickel mining has caused kode modern warship deforestation to the areas protected forest and limited production forest HPT The forestry PNBP rate for the two types of forest comes to Rp35 million to Rp4 million per hectare According to Greenpeace Indonesias satellite analysis Mandiodo lost 985 hectares of forest due to mining in 2019 to 2022 Indonesia suspends nickel mining in Mandiodo Block amid graft probe Masyarakat Desa Mandiodo juga berharap PT Antam Tbk dapat membuka lapangan kerja bagi warga lokal dan segera menyelesaikan tanah masyarakat yang belum dibebaskan Hery mengatakan berdasarkan hasil kajian ini pihaknya memberikan sejumlah saran kepada pihak terkait Pengelolaan tambang Blok Mandiodo harus memberikan manfaat secara holistik di Melansir data Laporan Tahunan ANTAM 2022 berikut jumlah sumber daya dan cadangan Blok Mandiodo Sumber Daya Total sumber daya nikel di Blok Mandiodo ini tercatat mencapai 1438 juta ton terdiri dari 834 juta ton untuk sumber daya bijih nikel kadar rendah di bawah 15 limonite dan 604 juta ton untuk jenis bijih nikel kadar tinggi di atas 15 saprolite team visited Mandiodo in 2018 there was still a spacious active nesting ground and a few pairs laying each day November 2018 The maleo nesting ground in Mandiodo village one of the largest in the region had high potential for communitybased conservation and restoration Photo Marcy Summers AlTo Update October 2022 Cleaning Up the Mandiodo Block Law magztempoco The people around Mandiodo need employment said Salomo Several backhoes are parked on the roadside as the Joint Law Enforcing Team of National Police and Environment and Forestry Ministry inspects the illegal nickel mining site in Antams Mandiodo Block January 27 Image by Linda TrianitaTempo Indonesia 2023 Negara ditipu oknum nakal pengusaha dan penguasa Kongkalikong BBC Kegiatan di Mandiodo pun dimulai tahun 2022 di mana diperoleh valsatran rencana kerja dan anggaran biaya RKAB untuk 40 hektare Masalah di Blok Mandiodo hingga setop operasi Langsung klik halaman berikutnya Namun permasalahan belum berhenti Kemudian muncul kasus hukum yang menyeret eks Dirjen Minerba GM Antam pun juga ditetapkan menjadi tersangka Kasus korupsi tambang nikel ilegal di Blok Mandiodo Sulawesi Tenggara yang menjerat sejumlah pengusaha hingga pejabat negara menunjukkan masih terbukanya celah kongkalikong di tengah tata Illegal Nickel Laundering Pulitzer Center Bos Antam Ungkap Peliknya Masalah di Blok Mandiodo detikFinance The stateowned company controlled the Mandiodo Block after a legal dispute with dozens of firms that were also trying to get mining permits Antam then appointed a nickel mining firm that did not yet have the forest area utilization permit IPPKH which is required to do mining in a forest area For four years the illegal nickel mined had a August 15 2023 JAKARTA The government has temporarily halted all nickel mining operations in the Mandiodo Block in Southeast Sulawesi Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif said on Friday The decision came after the Attorney Generals Office AGO arrested Ridwan Djamaluddin the ministrys former minerals and coal director general as a suspect in a graft case Cleaning Up the Mandiodo Block Pulitzer Center PDF AlTo Update October 2022 Mandiodo Money Mud and Misery Tompotika Ombudsman RI Ungkap Kondisi Tambang Blok Mandiodo Yang Disetop Karena The joint law enforcement team from the National Police and Environment and Forestry Ministry check the location of the illegal nickel mining location at the Mandiodo Block January 27 Image by Linda TrianitaTempo Indonesia 2023 Throughout 2019 to 2022 illegal nickel mining in the Mandiodo Block covered an area of nearly 1000 hectares wide Nickel Mess in Sulawesi Pulitzer Center Tambang Nikel Mandiodo yang Bikin kokrosono Eks Dirjen Minerba Ditahan