mantangan - Model Sebaran Spasial Dan Kesesuaian Habitat miyabi Spesies Invasif Mantangan Mantangan Merremia peltata POTENSI BIOMASSA MANTANGAN Merremia Peltata DI TAMAN NASIONAL BUKIT Mantangan merupakan tumbuhan berbatang keras dari famili Convolvulaceae suku kangkungkangkungan Spesies ini memiliki pola hidup memanjat dan menjuntai liana Tumbuhan ini berasal dari bioma beriklim tropis kering Di Indonesia mantangan memiliki beberapa nama antara lain ada yang menyebutnya aka lambuang areuy carayun Sunda atau Model Sebaran Spasial Dan Kesesuaian Habitat Spesies Invasif Mantangan Abiotic Factors Influencing Mantangan Merremia Peltata Invasion in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park 2016 DOI 1011598btb2016231457 DOI 1011598btb2016231457 Jani Master Soekisman Tjitrosoedirdjo Ibnul Qayim Metrics 338 views 90 downloads 338 views 90 downloads Decalobanthus peltatus PLANTAMOR Mantangan Merremia peltata is the most important invasive species in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park BBSNP due to its fastgrowing and spreading that potentially damage and threat Ecological Impact of Merremia peltata L Merrill Invasion on Plant Mantangan Merremia peltata merupakan salah satu jenis dari IAS yang termasuk salah satu jenis tumbuhan liana yang berada pada daerah tropis Miller 1995 Upaya penanggulangan mantangan untuk saat ini masih sangat minim karena informasi tentang morfologi dan fisiologi mantangan masih kurang PISSN 23390913 Jurnal Sylva Lestari Unila Mantangan Merremia peltata is the most important invasive species in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park BBSNP due to its fastgrowing and spreading that potentially damage and threat PDF Biomass Productivity of Invasive Mantangan Merremia peltata Abiotic Factors Influencing Mantangan Merremia Peltata Neliti Mantangan is a severe threat to biodiversity conservation contoh zuhud in BBSNP due to its fast growth and straightforward spread Whistler and Arthur 2002 It can potentially cause environmental damage Thapa et al 2018 It is estimated that around 2 7110 ha of the BBSNP area is currently invaded by mantangan Master et al 2013 Abiotic factors influencing mantangan invasion JMerremia peltata et alani Master 23 for plantations Prasetyo 2011 The second et al location moderately invaded forest is a postfire forest in 1997 fires that occurred mostly on the forest floor affecting the lining of plant and open up some forest canopy WCSIP 2001 The third Mantangan dapat tumbuh pada berbagai aspect yang ada di Resort Tampang Keberadaan mantangan pada setiap aspect tersebut sesuai dengan sifat liana secara umum yaitu dapat tumbuh pada rentang habitat yang lebih lebar dibanding dengan pepohonan Bazzaz et al 1982 dalam ToledoAceves et al 2008 menyatakan bahwa liana memiliki sifat daya Some of conservation area is invaded by some invasive species like Merremiapeltata in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park The aim of this study is to identify the distribution and habitat characteristics of M peltata as well as building a model of the spatial distribution and habitat suitability of M peltata Tampang Resort BBSNPThe research was conducted at Resort Tampang BBSNP Mantangan Merremia peltata is the most important invasive species in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park BBSNP due to its fastgrowing and spreading that potentially damage and threat PDF ABIOTIC FACTORS INFLUENCING MANTANGAN dosis ambroxol INVASION IN BUKIT Neliti