mariage - English translation of le mariage Collins waktu istirahat sepak bola berapa menit Online Dictionary Marriage also called matrimony or wedlock is a culturally and often legally recognised union between people called spousesIt establishes rights and obligations between them as well as between them and their children if any and between them and their inlaws 1 It is nearly a cultural universal 2 but the definition of marriage varies between cultures and religions and over time Marriage Definition Meaning YourDictionary MARIAGE translate French to English Cambridge Dictionary Marriage Rituals Customs Traditions Britannica Mariage Wikipédia Learn the broad and controversial definition of marriage as a legal consensual and contractual relationship between two people See synonyms examples word history and related phrases of marriage Marriage Psychology Today Wedding Wikipedia Marriage Wikipedia Learn the meaning of marriage as a legally accepted relationship between two people or a combination of things Find out how to use marriage in sentences and phrases with examples and translations Le mariage est une union conjugale contractuelle etou rituelle à durée illimitée déterminée ou indéterminée reconnue et encadrée par une institution juridique ou religieuse qui en détermine les modalités Le terme désigne à la fois la cérémonie rituelle lunion qui en est issue et linstitution en définissant les règles Learn about the process benefits and challenges of marriage from a psychological perspective Find out how to make marriage gaget work deal with sexual issues choose a partner and cope with polygamy or polyamory MARRIAGE English meaning Cambridge Dictionary Learn the meaning and translation of mariage in English with synonyms examples and usage notes Find out how to say marriage wedding match matrimony and more in French and English Marriage Rituals Customs Traditions The rituals and ceremonies surrounding marriage in most cultures are associated primarily with fecundity and validate the importance of marriage for the continuation of a clan people or society They also assert a familial or communal sanction of the mutual choice and an understanding of the difficulties and sacrifices involved in making what is A wedding is a ceremony in which two people are united in marriage Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures ethnicities races religions denominations countries social classes and sexual orientationsMost wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of marriage vows by a couple a presentation of a gift eg an offering rings a symbolic item flowers money or a dress English Translation of MARIAGE The official Collins FrenchEnglish Dictionary online Over 100000 English translations of French words and phrases Learn the legal and social aspects of marriage a union of a man and woman or two persons of the same sex Find synonyms antonyms word forms origin and examples of marriage gschool Marriage Definition Meaning MerriamWebster
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