mataloko - Updated Numerical Model of Mataloko Geothermal Field

Brand: mataloko

mataloko - GEOLOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF MATALOKO GEOTHERMAL tim nasional sepak bola portugal piala dunia AREA May 7 2024 Mataloko geothermal power plant is an operating geothermal power plant in Ngada East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Project Details Table 1 Unitlevel project details for Mataloko geothermal power plant PDF The geology and geochemistry of MatalokoNageBobo Mataloko field which is the basis for deeper exploration drilling in this field Figure 1 Geothermal fields in East Nusa Tenggara province having a potential about 1055 MWe 1 As a result of tectonics and magma extrusion forming a series of volcanoes the geological structure of the island of Flores especially the Mataloko area is quite Reconstruction of Conceptual Model in Mataloko Geothermal The Mataloko geothermal water has low values of δ 34 SO4 and chloride indicating that it is derived from a deeper reservoir of neutral pH chloride water with temperature 283 C The Nage hot springs are sulphatechloride type deriving from meteoric water Mar 22 2018 Mataloko Geothermal Field is located approximately 15 km east of Bajawa City in Southern Central Flores Island Indonesia The geothermal system of this field is twophase dominated with steam dominated zone at the shallower part of the field and liquid dominated at the deeper part with temperature of 210C and 275C respectively Mataloko geothermal field located in Toda Belu Village Golewa District Ngada Regency East Nusa Tenggara It is expected to provide an overview of the selection of target locations and wells to be drilled in the area of this investigation The Mataloko geothermal area is located in the Bajawa depression that is a major depression covering of geothermal reservoir in conjunction with the existing geological and geochemical data of the Mataloko geothermal prospect The resistivity models of the MT in Mataloko area is very consistent with the 2D resistivity models of the Schlumberger data There is generally a thin highresistive surface layer except the manifestation zones Key Words Mataloko geothermal Field Geology Surface discharge Geochemistry ABSTRACT The Mataloko geothermal Field is situated in the East of Bajawa the capital city of Ngada District East Nusatenggara The thermal features associate with post volcanic activity and the area is surrounded by active volcanoes of Inerie in the southwest Inelika Mataloko Geothermal Power Plant Development Strategy in order Aug 13 2020 Data collection and further geoscience studies have been carried out in the Mataloko area at the end of 2019 In general the results of the study showed significant differences compared to previous studies Therefore it is necessary to update the Mataloko geothermal fields numerical model following the latest studies data and analysis Updated Numerical Model of Mataloko Geothermal Field Geothermal Direct Use Alternatives in Mataloko to Increase Jul 25 2021 The literature study was conducted combined with the site visit to verify the desktop study result Several alternatives for geothermal direct use in Mataloko have been identified based on the geothermal resource availability of commodities and the current condition of local communities and industries in the proximity of Mataloko Power Plant Jul 1 2021 Mataloko is one of the 88810 kode apa geothermal fields on the island of Flores East Nusa Tenggara which is an area of exploration production and is expected to be able to be used for electricity generation Natural state modeling of Mataloko Geothermal field Flores INTEGRATED GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION IN MATALOKO GEOTHERMAL Reconstruction of Conceptual Model in Mataloko Geothermal Sep 1 2017 The Mataloko geothermal system in NgadaFlores Regency East Nusa Tenggara is located in three active volcanic mountains Inerie Ebulobo and Inielika The contribution of high levels of CH4 The Mataloko geothermal system is located in an active volcanic environment including Inerie Ebulobo and Inielika volcanoes associated with the tectonic setting of Banda Arc The Mataloko geothermal system is controlled by the Wai Luja faults main structure which is relatively northwestSoutheast Apr 1 2021 As most of the geothermal systems in Indonesia are in quarter volcanic geological settings most of the related reservoirs have a high permeability structure eg in the Mataloko geothermal field Geothermal Well Targeting in Consideration To Geological Reconstruction of Conceptual Model in Mataloko Geothermal Modeling of SO2 and CH4 Emission Distribution in the Area PLN and ESDM partner in exploration on geothermal project at Aug 26 2019 Flores Island in NTT has 12 regions with geothermal potential three of which have obtained WKP management permits namely Ulumbu Mataloko and Sokoria with a total installed capacity of 125 MW With the utilization of geothermal potential in the future it is expected to significantly increase the electrification ratio in NTT Updated Numerical Model of Mataloko Geothermal Field Stepwise Development of a Geothermal Reservoir with Shallow Oct 1 2019 The Mataloko geothermal system in NgadaFlores Regency East Nusa Tenggara is located in three active volcanic mountains Inerie Ebulobo and Inielika The contribution of high levels of CH4 20 Tahun Proyek Geotermal Mataloko Listrik Nihil Lahan Rusak Aug 23 2022 Potensi energi terbarukan inilah yang bikin Asian Development Bank ADB mau kucurkan dana hingga 500 juta untuk pembangunan tiga PLTP pada 2011salah satunya PLTP Mataloko Di wilayah pengeboran PLTP Mataloko cadangan panas bumi untuk dikonversikan menjadi listrik diperkirakan mencapai 20 megawatt Dengan luas lahan mencapai 210700 meter Mataloko geothermal power plant Global Energy Monitor Oct 1 2019 Mataloko Geothermal field is administratively located in the Todabelu Village Golewa District Ngada Nusa Tenggara Timur NTT within 10 km to the eastsoutheast of Bajawa the capital Ngada Shallow reservoir is located in the rock alteration were identified as claycap zone Figure 2 Geomorphological and Geological Structure Map of Mataloko Field Jatmiko et al 2021 Nanlohy et al 2002 The alteration minerals that can be identified in Mataloko Geothermal Field are alunite kaolinite montmorillonite cristobalite quartz pyrophyllite zeolite as well as sulphur and sulphide mineral such as pyrite Apr 1 2022 Mataloko geothermal area has area of 9962 ha 4Currently in Mataloko there are 6 wells in total with MT04 as the only well that still has pressure identified on the wellhead The temperature Geothermal Direct Use Alternatives in Mataloko to Increase Environmental Science PAPER OPEN ACCESS berapa pemain dalam permainan bola voli You may also like

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